KTWB 4: Oh Shocks

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Arriving on an old and abandoned building was what I did not expect us to go to. "What are we doing here Craig?" I eyed the dusty wooden stairs we were stepping on suspiciously. It looked like it would collapse any second now.

"This is the place where I come to think and relax." Think? Relax? Is he insane?! What person in their right mind would want to stay five minutes longer in a place where most serial killers are likely to hide?

"Oh. I'm surprised some poisonous spider didn't attack you." I replied sarcastically.

"Not really." He answered plainly. What does that even mean? Why the heck is this guy so sensible and collected?

When we reached the top of the stairs (which took really long by the way because the whole place was so huge and gigantic) blocking our way was an old wooden door. He opened it and a loud creak echoed throughout the whole building. This is getting really creepy now! Then I see the light (LOL) and a bench perched on a platform. We walked over to it and I had to take a big step to climb in.

What I saw took my breath away.
It was a complete and beautiful view of Willford in its finest. Good Lord. Is this heaven already?

I could see the farmers plowing the field, messengers running around with their bikes, kids playing in the playground, smoke belching from the chimney of a bakery, and the barks of dogs and laughters of children were like the background music of it all. It's like watching a documentary about Willford.

"Woah. This is too beautiful Craig."

"Yeah? If you think this is heaven, I don't know how you would explain it later." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Wait till the sun sets and the sky is dark." He specified and my mouth formed into an apple-like size.

He smirked a bit under his beard and admired the beautiful scene for a while.

I watched him do this and when he caught me staring, he raised an eyebrow. I smiled sincerely. "Thank you for taking me here. I guess I needed this to relax."

He nodded and turned back to the view. "You're welcome."

It was so surprising to have a very relaxing and friendly conversation with Craig. I hadn't talked to him this long since we were doing a play back in sixth grade. And it mainly consisted of awkwardness. But now, there's something about him so calming. His whole persona is very approachable that I suddenly realized how different he is from how people thinks of him. He's not weird or crazy. He's just...so placid. You can't judge a book by its cover indeed.

"How did you find this place?" I blurted out of nowhere. It was so quite that I could amost feel the waves on the shore miles away.

"I was strolling around one day when I found this. So I illegally made it mine. I call it, 'Ally'."

"Ooh. Who's Ally? Your princess charming?"

He chuckled at that. "No. She's my favorite member in Fifth Harmony."

"Ah...anyway, about the accident at the party--"

"Oh it's fine."

"No seriously." I pushed and explained everything.

After that, his expression didn't even change one bit.

"Oh." He managed to reply and stared blankly at the town.

"Yeah." I stated awkwardly and scratched my temple.

"Don't worry. I had a feeling something was going to happen after I saw you drink twelve bottle of beers."

My eyes widened in horror. "I had twelve?!" He nodded and chuckled at my reaction.

After that, we talked for a bit about our school, family, and stuff. It was five pm when we decided to go home and take a rest.

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