Chapter 2 - Stale Bread and Soggy Leaves

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Raph froze in place at his opened door...
"You're not Chompy..."

Leo gave a soft chuckle turning to his brother,
"I sure hope not, that'd be the third identity crisis this week."

He playfully jabbed, nudging Raph. The red clad terrapin sighed and looked away with a heavy feeling in his chest. Leo's playful smile quickly faded as he rushed to the kitchen practically dragging his brother along.
"Sit down I'm making you tea."

"Leo I don't want your leaf water."

"You don't have a choice, we're having tea and talking."

" Oh great, leaf water and a lecture, you know what that sounds great."
He gritted his teeth at the notion and turned to walk back to his room, stopping in his tracks when he felt Leo gripping his arm with a stern face and a grip that said he wouldn't be going anywhere. After releasing a frustrated groan he slowly sat down watching Leo make his ridiculous bitter leaf water... He looked away scanning the room for any excuse to leave his brothers company before he let out a defeated sigh.

Leo simply rolled his eyes at his brothers withheld tantrum and sat down as he let the tea seep, the room was being filled with the most pleasant scent of Peppermint and Honeysuckle. He slowly looked up at Raph examining the angry turtles composure... He was tense and scowling, he needed to relax more. It was clear he was pretty riled, Leo's stomach dropped however when noticing the faintest stains of dried tears on his brothers cheeks before he cautiously inquired,
"What did he say?"

Raph stubbornly looked away before retorting with a sharp,
"What did who say Leo?
You should be more specific because some of us aren't mind readers.

Leo grumbled under his breath frowning,
"I've noticed."

Raph almost jumped up from his seat and nearly snarled,
"EXCUSE ME? How about you say that a bit louder so everyone can hear you Foot Boy."

"Raph this isn't about me and we both know it..."

"You sure are making it about yourself!"

"Raph I just want to help you, let me-"

"Help Me?!? HELP ME!?! You're the one who flew the coop the first chance he could get and ditched dad and the rest of us! You're the one who gave up the Hamato name to play a bad boy with your girlfriends! You're the one who decided You were more important than this family! And guess who had to pick up YOUR mess? Guess who has to take care of the clan? Guess who has to take care of dad? Guess who has to raise a son who hates him! BY HIMSELF! I do Leo! Ever since you left I've had to put everything together and you know what that's BullShit! I didn't ask for this!"

Leo had had it with being blamed and guilt tripped his fists slammed on the table, resulting in the pepper and salt shaker falling over as the tea screamed and he finally snapped!
I didn't ask for any of this..."

His voice grew quiet and his head hung as his fists clenched...
"Do you think I wanted any of this?"

He slowly walked over to the screaming kettle and took it off the stove before sitting down and shakily pouring himself a cup of tea before buttering some bread from the counter...
"Raph I just want to help... I know I've screwed up and I know I'm a screw up... Please don't remind me... I'm trying to fix everything..."
He said his chest deflating as he dropped a cube of sugar in his tea...
"Just let me help Raph... Please."

Raph's gave softened and he sighed suddenly feeling dirty and cruel,
"L-Leo... You''re not a screw up... You know that right?"
His stomach pitted when Leo respond in an almost hopeless sigh making Raphs heart twist as he rubbed the back of his neck and gave a nervous smile...
"Man when did our lives get crazy..."

Leo gave a sad chuckle,
"Somewhere between April blowing up Donnie and our adopted sister marrying Donnie... Huh..."
He said ponderingly.

"What?" Raph inquired smirking.

"Maybe Donnie is just an unlucky charm for disaster in this family... Someone needs to get him to take a break from the whole mad scientist thing and a few days worth of sleep and maybe it'll break the curse and everything will go back to normal..."
Leo teased chuckling...

Raph couldn't help but erupt into a hearty laughter before cackling in disbelief,
"As if! That guy takes his beakers to the bathroom! I feel bad for Mao! Could you imagine him sweet talking!"
He cackled wiping a tear from his eye before doing his best Donatello impression,
"Hey baby I'm gonna need some samples! Let me take 'em with my mouth!"

Leo cackled pounding on the table practically wheezing at the idea,
"OH OH OH I GOT ONE! H-h...hey M..Mao...."
He was bursting into laughter between words,
"You wanna make a....a... REAL CHE-CHEMICAL BHONDDDD!"
He wheezed the last part as the two turtles burst into more and more laughter before Raph suddenly froze in place and started shaking Leo...

"Leo! LEO! S-Stop! Stop!"

Leo was doubled over cackling
"Oh c'mon! Why?"
He insisted before freezing as he saw Donnie standing there with his arms folded giving them a death glare and angrily tapping his foot... Leo nervously chuckled and frowned awkwardly before breaking the silence...

"C-C'mon you know it was funny..."

Donnie glared at him and rolled his eyes before walking into the kitchen and turning off the burner.
"You know what's not funny? Burning down the lair because you forgot to turn off the stove Leo... Besides I could always bring up what Karais been telling be about your little group one offs..."

Leo's face flustered and Raph looked in shock and embarrassed for Leo...
"Don, C'mon you love me! You'd never do that....r...right?"

Donnie slowly walked over and leaned in still glaring before giving a grim,
"Leo... I would sell you to satan for one corn chip."
Before just walking away leaving both of the older turtles in embarrassment and shock,

Raph slowly looked at Leo and frowned almost staring off, a tad shaken from Donnie's words...
"H-How about we bring this conversation into my room... I'll even let you bring your leaf water and stale bread..."

"Y-Yeah.... Sure."
Leo said slowly standing and following him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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