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Dan sat in the tattoo shop, the rain hitting the window with a soft pitter patter, as he stared out of it at the flower shop, admiring not the flowers, but the boy sitting in a chair playing games on his phone.

The power had gone out in all the shops, and everyone was probably waiting to go home.

The storm had passed, but the power was waiting it out, Dan supposed.

Eventually the lights cut on and Dan saw the boy get up, grabbing a bag and a key, and opening the door.

He watched the boy as he locked the door, stashed away the key, and began walking home.

Dan sighed, wishing he could talk to the boy without feeling so flustered. His and Dans imaginary conversations weren't realistic at all, and he never talked anyways.

Dan knew the boy didn't talk. He never did. He just took the money, bagged the flowers, and gave back change.

But Dan knew one day he would talk, right?

But what Dan didn't know is that Phil was just scared of people in general. Phil wondered if it was Social Anxiety.

Phil was 18, and he had his first job in a flower shop, when he fell in love with Dan.

Dan was adorable. The way he stared at Phil for an hour before someone would walk in, the way he'd go white whenever Phil walked closer to the shop than usual.

The way he laughed and it rung out into the alleyways it was so loud. The way his face would crease, his dimples on full blast.

His beautiful, brown amber eyes that had tints of yellow and red that Phil admired more than his own.

They both didn't know it, but they were madly in love with each other. Well, I lied, sorry, as I'm the narrator, it's my job to tell the truth!

As I was saying- I lied. Phil had a idea to make Dan confess his love, under the impression that Dan was in love with him.


Gah! This was so short ;(
Anyways, this is based
Off an AU I saw and
Thought was adorable but I
Changed it a tiny bit
And yeah badass dan is
Gone!! I usually have
Him as the bad ass but not
Now your a innocent tatto
Artist!!!! Mwahahaah

Goodbye for now!
~ Brædley! • Kun
Mwah and Kisses!

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