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Im Yu-ri closed the book she just finished reading with a sigh. Good plot but bad organization of events. She was fine with that though, the ending was good enough.

"How do you even read with all this noise?" Ji-eun asked, her elbow rested on the table as she held her chin.

Ji-eun was her room mate and best friend. She had known her since the first year of high school till now in their second year of college.

She was unfortunately not the reading type and she was still stuck on the second page of a textbook that sat on the desk in front of her. If she thought the library was noisy, then an elementary school classroom with a 100 children would be a nightmare.

"How could a library ever be noisy?" Yu-ri asked, frustration evident in her voice. The brown haired girl would always follow her willingly to the library but would then complain non-stop on different topics.

"I hear almost every single thing done in this damn room. Tapping, whispering, scratching... Ugh. I prefer reading at a quiet place with no one else." She shrugged, moving slightly to the side and flipping a page of the textbook mindlessly.

"Then why did you follow me?" She really wanted to scream now. Ji-eun was her best friend but she frustrated her more than anything. She was so annoying at times but Ji-eun loved her more than she would admit.

"Its boring being at the dorm alone and besides, its funny seeing your face scrunched up while reading," She answered with a goofy smile very much evident on her face.

"I still do that?" Yu-ri asked, feeling her face with both hands. "I thought you said I stopped?"

"I lied," She replied bluntly.

A fellow college student who was at the same corner they were in the library, suddenly decided she would shut them up.

"Ssh..." The student silenced. She looked like she had been holding it for a while as she had a harsh stare on her face.

"Sorry," They both apologized. Yu-ri glared at Ji-eun as she said a silent 'What'.

"I brought headphones though. I know how much you love listening to music while reading. There's this song I love listening to. Its been in my head for a while." She had a devilish grin on her face as she put the headphones on Yu-ri. Yu-ri however, noticed the grin too late and Lotto by EXO was blasting on high volume in her ear.

She stayed still for a few seconds. Lee Ji-eun this b*tch Yu-ri thought. She already knew the part Baekhyun was going to come in.

He still had that voice. She could recognize it immediately. She loved his voice so much as much she hated him so much.

With that thought of hating him, Yu-ri quickly removed the headphones, dropping them on the desk, and grabbed her things, leaving Ji-eun behind.

"You're leaving? Are you angry? Uhn... Are you mad at me?" She shouted, as she tailed behind Yu-ri.

The irritated student signaled Ji-eun to be quiet. In which she whispered a 'Sorry' and continued trailing behind Yu-ri.


The image above is of Ji-eun, Yu-ri's friend. What do you guys think of this?

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