Chapter 1

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Mark's p.o.v

I was scrolling on YouTube, when suddenly my TV turned on.

"Listen up people of USA, you might wanna scram before you end up like your government! Dead!"

The leader shouted showing a pile of dead bodies on the floor.

"We are the Necrosis clan! Anyone who dares confront us will perish!"

They yelled out. Showing the blood stains everywhere, on the floors, the walls, even the ceiling...

"Yikes... I should call Matthias..."

I dial Matthias's phone, hoping he would pick up his phone... Unless he used all the power.

"Hi, howdy, hello, bonjour. Did you see the news?"
"Mark! Buddy, yeah I saw it. I'm coming over to your place right now as we speak."
"Alright have a safe drive, I'll see you there."

I hung up as I locked my door an waited for Mattias to come over.

"Any moment now..." I pleaded

Matt's p.o.v (A.K.A Matpat)

I was about to take a pleasant nap when all of a sudden, the TV turned on.

"That's strange... I didn't-"

"Listen up people of USA, you might wanna scram before you end up like your government! Dead! We are the Necrosis clan! Anyone who dares confront us will perish!" They yell.

"That doesn't look good..." I say worried about the whole entire country.

I guess I should call Nate...

"Hey Matt, what's up?"
"Hey Nate, did ya see the news?"
"Yeah, why? Are you scared?"
"No! Just wanted to make sure you were fine."
"Aww, Matt's worried bout me. How touching."
"Oh shut it."
"Touche. Anyways call me if you need anything, bye! Oh and I'm heading over to your place."
" 'Kay, see ya later."

I hung up, blushing, Steph saw me and asked why I was blushing. I said nothing and shook my head.

Ryan's p.o.v (A.K.A 8-Bit Ryan)

I was in a cafe while drinking some coffee, when the radio broadcasted a strange message.

"Listen up people of USA, you might wanna scream before you end up like your government! Dead! We are the Necrosis clan! Anyone who dares confront us will perish!"

"Ouch... That must've hurt a lot... Well I gotta go now..." I say getting up.

I walk back to my hotel room when suddenly a green blur slammed into the ally wall.

"Heh... You sure are troublesome."
"Hey! Leave him alone!"
"And what if we don't? What will you do about it?"
"I'll make sure you never crossed that line." I say griping my coffee cup harder than I did before

A while later~ 

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, thanks for helping me, those guys were a pain." His accent sounded Irish.
"Heh, no problem. The name's Ryan by the way, my fans know me as 8-Bit Ryan." 
"I'm Sèan. You can call me Jack though. My fans know me as Jacksepticeye."

We heard a helicopter fly past us, going down fast.

"Get down!" Jack yelled and we dove down shielding us from the objects flying towards us.
"W-we should go now..."
"I know a guy." (Reference much? Sorry I'll go now.)

 We got into a taxi and drove to the person's house. We arrived after what seemed like 12 million years in a box, I'm just glad we made it. There was 2 cars parked outside, but that didn't matter. We knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, a man opened the door for us.

"Jack! When did you arrive and how come you didn't call me?" The man let us in and hugged Jack.
"Well... I um, just got here..."
"With no luggage? You also brought a friend with you. Hi! I'm Mark. Matthias is sitting on the couch, most likely scared to come out.
"I heard that!"
"I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you."
"Well... There he goes... Anyways, take a seat, oh yeah, Nate and Matt are coming along with Claire." (Yeah, she'll be in the story, with a few updrades.)
"Wow, can't wait to see them again." Jack replied.

Claire's p.o.v

I was cleaning my room when suddenly, Nate said to get ready. I got ready and picked up my really trusty sword that Chris gave to me as a gift.

(Note: The outline is supposed to be black and the insides are supposed to be purple

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(Note: The outline is supposed to be black and the insides are supposed to be purple. Just imagine it how you want.) I'll thank him later. I sheathed it, then hung it on my back, and put on my sweater.

"Are you ready?" Nate asked me
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming..." I say sliding down the railing.

We got in the car and went to go pick up Uncle Matt. How fun.

"Hey there."
"Ah! Jesus Chris... You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I say punching him lightly.
"Hey Chris, how did you get in here?" My dad asked.
"I teleported into your car."
"Huh... Here we are, looks like you came in time. What a coincidence..."

We got out of the car and grabbed Matt, and headed out again, this time to Mark's house. Wonderful. Just wonderful. You really don't like the cars, do you? Yep, I really, absolutely hate it.  Huh, well after this, you won't have to, 'cause you can just teleport. What about the car? We'll just teleport it with us. I don't have enough energy!!! Oops... My mistake. Oh, shut it.

Welp, that's it for this chapter, I tried to make it long. Anyways, the next chapter will be out, hopefully today, and a lil more lengthy. Bye!

-Sans thecomic

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