A few hours ago, while Mark was watching YouTube, a strange broadcast came up and that was where the story began. A group of terrorist called Necrosis killed the government and now plan to rule over the whole country, and kill anyone in there path.
Special power: Pyrokenitic\ pyrokinesis. Weapons: Tiny Box Tim, Chain and kunai. Allies: Jack, Nate, Matpat, Matthias, Ryan, Claire, Chris. Enemies: Necrosis clan, Kazer. Appearance: Black hair, black sweater, white t-shirt, red sweat pants, white shoes.
Power: Lazer Weapons: Septic Sam, any lazer weapon that he can make (mostly a laser gun called Hot-spot.) Allies: Mark, Nate, Matpat, Matthias, Ryan, Claire, Chris. Enemies: Necrosis clan, Kazer. Apperance: Septic Sam shirt, Sam on his shoulder, green hair, white sweater, black striped pants, black and green shoes.
Power: Wind manipulation Weapon: Katana (pic down below).
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Allies: Mark, Jack, Matpat, Matthias, Ryan, Claire, Chris. Enemies: Necrosis clan, Kazer. Appearance: Black hair, black thin coat, (y'know the one he wears at conventions), NWTB t-shirt, grey pants, black shoes.
Power: Hyper senses, metal manipulation. Weapon: Bow and arrows Allies: Mark, Jack, Nate, Matthias, Ryan, Claire, Chris. Enemies: Necrosis clan, Kazer. Appearance: Black leather jacket, white t-shirt, grey jeans, brown hair, brown combat boots.
Power: Weapons master Weapons: Anything. Allies: Mark, Jack, Nate, Matpat, Ryan, Claire, Chris. Enemies: Necrosis clan, Kazer. Appearance: White t-shirt, brown hair, camo sweater, water proof pants, blue shoes with white stripes.
Power: Ice manipulation Weapon: Clockwork pistols (red and black camo design, dual wield.) Allies: Mark, Jack, Nate, Matpat, Matthias, Claire, Chris. Enemies: Necrosis clan, Kazer. Appearance: 8-bit Ryan t-shirt, 8-bit Ryan sweater, white sweat pants, grey shoes.
Power: Telekinesis, teleportation. Weapon: Void breaker (Pic down below).
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Allies: Mark, Jack, Nate, Matpat, Matthias, Ryan, Chris. Enemies: Necrosis clan, Kazer. Appearance: Long black hair, long black coat, sleeves rolled half way, Natewantstobattle t-shirt, hilt of the sword can be seen poking out, white striped water-proof pants, black water-proof shoes (Yes they are real. I have one too).
Power: Corruption manipulation. Weapon: Dual edge scythe (Pic down below).
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Allies: Mark, Jack, Nate, Matpat, Matthias, Ryan, Claire. Enemies: Necrosis clan, Kazer. Apperance: Blue "hat to kill for", blue bruiser bandanna, Chicago overcoat (blue as well), a skull pendant, grey t-shirt, and pants, dark blue shoes.
Kazer (Leader of Necrosis clan)
Power: Necromancy Weapon: dual-edged sword with a shield. Allies: His clan Enemies: Mark, Jack, Nate, Matpat, Matthias, Ryan, Claire, Chris. Apperance: White long coat (hangs from his shoulders connected by a button), grey hair, grey t-shirt, black ripped jeans, camo boots.
Claire is now 14, Chris is 16, Mark is 28, so is Jack and Mattias, Nate is 29, Ryan is 22, and Matpat is 30.
Chris can glitch objects out of existence, he can also glitch people (Max. 20) too. If you will know if he is out of energy if he is panting really hard or if his body is shaking.
Claire can also channel telekinesis into her sword so sometimes she will just move her hand around to control it. She can also use the sword to move people around too.
Chris and Claire's weapons are both indestructible because it was made by a sacred metal that is no longer able to be found. (NOT! I repeat, NOT real).
Chris can summon portals, but it drains his energy by alot.
Necrosis clan troops carry knives and guns, and are trained to not hesitate to kill anything that is in the way unless they are ordered to bring the target back alive.
That's this chapter, I had a hard time deciding what powers and appearance's they all have so that's why it is late, anyways, enjoy!