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Ah yes, it's been a long time my friendos. But I must say, I have an acceptable excuse for this! You know how I made a second account on here, right? Welllll I've been working on a story for that account, and I found it hard to actively use TWO ACCOUNTS at the same time. So I've only been working on my second account. (I know I haven't published anything on the second acc. yet but that's because i'm still working on that story, and I want to make sure everything is 👌 perfect before I publish any of it)

Also 1) Depression gets in the way of writing. I'm sure you all know what i'm talking about here.
2) School. I never have enough time to do what I want, my final exams are this week anyways, so it's been all about studying for the past few days.
3) Life. Things happen and get in the way of writing. Just recently I've gotten sick from who knows what, and it's been a pain in the ass trying to do much other than watch videos or something simple.

I apologise for this, but I think I need to go on a temporary hiatus on this account. AGAIN, I SAID TEMPORARY. NOT PERMANENT. So don't worry.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope you pass your exams. (If you still have any to do)

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