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"No one gets left behind. That's the plan."

-Stiles Stilinski


"The ceremony is about to begin." Luna tells us as she hands us cups. I don't know what they are filled with so I don't drink. It's been an hour since Alie took over and luckily there hasn't been more people chipped. The ceremony to honor the ones who we killed was about to take place. My heart ached for them, I killed two of them without thinking but then I remind myself they would've tried to chip me and hurt my friends. It still doesn't make it hurt any less. Guess I just keep adding more blood on my hands.

"Are you okay?" Luna asks me and I snap out of my thoughts. Something tells me she's not talking about my physical health but about my mental health.

"Uh, yeah." I nod and clear my throat.

"You did what you had to do." She says and tries to walk away but Clarke stops her. "Luna, wait. I'm so sorry." I'm glad she's apologizing and coming to her senses after everything that just happened.

"But now you see what we're facing. An enemy that will do anything to win. She won't stop until she has everyone." Guess I spoke too soon, Clarke can't even be respectful for one god damn second.

"People I loved died today. Needlessly, at my hand. I can't let that happen again." She turns to face the crowd of people and raises her cup.

"As we prepare to give our brothers and sisters to the sea, we honor their lives." She speaks loudly to everyone as they all watch her.

"Kom woda 'so gyon op, gon woda 'so kom daun." From water we are born, to water we return.

Everyone repeats after her and drinks. I repeat but I still don't drink. Luna turns back to us and Clarke speaks, "if we're going to do this, we're gonna have to hurry it. Alie will send reinforcements. And we have to find some place private to perform the ascension." By the look on Luna's face something tells me she's still not taking the chip. Part of me applauds her for not breaking her code and sticking to her original choice.

"You believe that to defeat an enemy who will stop at nothing, you must stop at nothing. How's that different than, "Blood must have blood"?" Luna questions her and I nod my head. She's right.

"Wait a second, Luna.. you can't just..." Octavia starts to speak but she slurs and then falls to the floor. My eyes widen as Bellamy and Jasper follow and then Clarke. The drink, she put the stuff we drank to get here in the drink. Luna eyes me suspiciously as she sees I haven't fallen over.

"I'm pregnant, I don't drink just anything handed to me. But I'm not going to fight this. I respect your choice to not kill and to not take the Flame." I explain to her and she nods.

"You don't want to kill anymore, do you?" She walks closer to me and I swallow hard.

"No, but I need to protect my people and If I have to kill for them then I accept that." I look down at the cup in my hand. "Sure, wouldn't mind living here though." I sigh.

"You can stay." She tells me and I smile at her offer.

"It's not that simple. My family needs me, I have to fight this war. I have to fight it for them." I explain.

"And your friends?" She gestures to the on the floor.

"They are my family."

"You're special, Taylor. Special enough that Lexa gave you that." She points to my necklace that Lexa honored me with.

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