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Another edition to add to my collection of about 20 other cuts. I don't harm myself as often as I use to, though. Whenever I do bust out my rusty old razor, I still have a little bit of hope that somebody, anybody will stop me. Nope. So time after time, I make more wounds, which result in more scars, which result in more stares from everyone. I learned to stop caring. Recently, the attention drawn to me has significantly decreased. Even my precious little Noodle has stopped noticing my pain. I don't do the things I do for show, but it was nice knowing I had someone in this fucked up world who cared. The only thing I do these days is pop painkillers and smoke cigarettes. Gorillaz has officially gone to shit, but nobody has the balls to admit it, even though we all know it. Day after day I go through the cycle of getting my ass beat by Murdoc, passing out, and occasionally getting in a meal or 2. All I want is the feeling of love again. I miss the happiness of having a significant other, and the warmth in my heart knowing I matter to someone. Damn, I must be wigging out. I need a beer, some pills, and a towel to forget this ever happened.

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