Chapter 2

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~Alessandra's POV~ 

Alessandra sat in the car, slouching slightly with her arms crossed across her chest. Her father knew not to bring up the marriage to her especially when she was fuming at the moment. Her eyes avoided looking anywhere but outside the tinted window. 

"Il mio angelo, you're going to ruin your beauty with that frown of yours." Stefano broke the silence and the tension. "You're going to love them; they are my close friends afterall. You'll be well protected with them just as you are now." He reassured his daughter after not hearing a response from her.

"We'll see..." She muttered underneath her breath. She took in a deep breath as they arrive at the mansion. The gates protecting the home were made of shiny black stone and the mansion made of polished white rock. Marble statues stood tall and mighty by the entrance and she couldn't seem to take her eyes off of the beautiful details the mansion held. Her smile died and replaced with a frown when she saw the Rinaldis and staffs standing outside of the front door, waiting for them. 

"Stefano! Il mio vecchio amico! It's been too long since we've last met face to face." A man in his 50's greeted Stefano with a brotherly hug. 

"It truly has been a long time. We're getting old, my friend." Stefano joked and both men chuckled. 

"You haven't changed one bit. I would like to introduce you to my family. This is my wife, Gianna, My sons, Matteo, Vincent, and Giovanni." The man, Antonio, introduced with a proud smile.

Alessandra stepped out of the car and her eyes widen when she saw her future husband. His body was breathtaking and his eyes...those eyes had no emotions yet they attracted her. 

She was snapped out of her daze when her father cleared his throat. A smirk played on Giovanni's lips and chuckles came from his two brothers. Her cheeks redden. "Alessandra...say hi." Her father whispered in her ear. 

Gianna giggled, "Come on, let's go inside and have dinner. We're all going to be sick if we continue to stand outside in the cold." 

~Giovanni's POV~

"Did you see her check you out, Gio?" Matteo, the youngest of the three, whispered to both of the brothers. 

"Someone has a crush on our big brother." Vincent joined in, laughing.

"Shut both of your mouths up. Behave or mother will have a word with both of you. You know how she gets when you two embarrass her in front of guests." Giovanni warned them coldly and follows his parents in. His eyes never leaving Alessandra.

Everyone besides Antonio, Gianna, and Stefano talked throughout dinner, leaving an awkwardness silence between the younger ones. 

Giovanni tapped his fingers against the armchair as he waited for dinner to end. The silence was becoming unbearably uncomfortable. His two younger brothers kept staring at him and Alessandra and trying to convince him to speak to the girl. He once tried but she said nothing. 

"Excuse me, I have to take care of some business. Mr. Orsino, it was nice to meet you." He nodded to Stefano and quickly leave without giving Alessandra a goodbye or a look. 

"Gio! Don't forget about your date with Clara!" Matteo yelled after Giovanni and all heads looked up at Matteo with eyes widen. Vincent covered Matteo's mouth and chuckle, "Don't mind him, he doesn't know what he is saying. Right, little brother?" 

Giovanni clenched his hands into fists and snarled then storms out of the manor, slamming the door shut. 

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