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- I can't fucking believe this. - Emerson groaned from the corner of the cell. - Did we really had to go up there? Couldn't we just walk up some stairs or something? It's not like we'd notice the difference because we were too wasted anyway.

I don't think I've ever seen him talk this much. Usually Remington's the one who talks a lot, and even so he talks way less than a normal person. 

But then again, we're not normal, are we?


It's been five hours since we've been here in this cell and it's nearly 6am. Sophie is only coming to get us at 11. Awesome.

I can't sleep. I'm tired, with a pounding headache, still slightly drunk, with scratches and bruises all over my body because of that fucking escalade, my phone's screen is now cracked, I'm hungry, this cell is dirty and to be honest it stinks, and to make things even better, there's this creepy guy in the cell in front of ours who won't stop mumbling stuff to himself as he watches my every movement.

- Sebastian. - I whispered, nudging my sleeping brother. - Sebastian, wake up. 

He groaned and turned to the other side. 

- Oh goddammit. You're a great brother. - I muttered.

I swiftly got up from the cold dirty floor and walked over to Remington who - I think - was still awake - his breathing wasn't even and his eyes were twitching a bit.

- Hey. - I nudged his arm. - Remington. - I nudged him harder this time, and he blinked before yawning, looking up at me. 

- Morning. Can we get out now?

- You wish. - I mumbled, sitting down next to him. - I just woke you up 'cause I'm scared of being awake alone. That creepy guy, - I nodded my head towards him. - won't take his eyes off me.

- You don't seem bothered when I'm the one doing it. - He wiggled his eyebrows, making me rather uncomfortable.

- Shut up will you? We're in a cell, all fucked up, and you are seriously trying to hit on me? - I hissed.

- No need to hurt my feelings. - He placed his hand on his chest, faking a sad face.

- Ohh shut up. - I groaned, slapping him lightly.

- I'm going back to sleep and you'll be alone again... maybe the creepy guy can keep you company. Night. - He moaned and turned to his side, closing his eyes. 

- Nooo, wake up! I'm sorry! - I shook him. 

But he didn't move.

- Great. - I mumbled as my tensed muscles relaxed against the cold wall and floor, and I closed my eyes, only to open them two seconds later, after the creepy guy had screamed. 

I looked around, startled. 

- The hell... - I muttered as I sat up straight, looking at the guy, who didn't seem to change his position nor raised his tone. 

Even though there was other guy with the weird one, and another cell with another man and a woman asleep, nobody seemed to notice the scream but me. Weird.

I tried closing my eyes again, but the scream came again. 

I looked at the man, who had now straightened up and didn't look so creepy as when he was crouched down, moving his fingers in front of his eyes. 

- I can get you out of here. - He said in a serious, almost solemn voice, much different than the slow whimper who murmured disjointed stuff from before.

- B-but I, I don't want to get out of here. I can wait 'till eleven. - I said, my voice lower than expected; actually, way lower: it came as a whisper, for god's sake.

I was pretty sure I looked like a scared kitten, hugging my legs and pulling my knees up under my chin on the corner of the room, but the man didn't seem to care.

- I know you are hurt, tired, and hungry. I know you would love to be at home now.

- But even if I get out now, it'd be ilegally and then we'd be in big trouble later-

- We? - The man asked, taking a step forward.

- You didn't plan on taking just me off here and leaving them alone, did you? I mean, even if you could... - I mumbled the last part.

- They have each other, - He shrugged. - and as you said, they'll get out at eleven anyway... But oh darling, you know you want to get out of here.

I stared at the man and scanned every inch of his face, punished by time; the long-ish grey beard, clear grey eyes with dark circles around them, the dry skin and cracked lips.

- You want to. - He whispered, snapping me out of the trance. - Don't you?

- I do. - I promptly answered, suddenly trusting this weird man. 

He cracked a smile and the corners of his eyes made him look younger. But it wasn't a happy smile at all.

- Good, I see you trust me now. Let's leave those childish games. And remember, - His smile widened. - what you love will guide you. Think of music.

And with a click of fingers, he was gone.

Just like that. Gone. 

Like dust in the wind; like he had never even been there. He was gone. 

- WAKE UP, MADDISON! - Someone screamed, shaking me. 

I blinked and stared up at Sebastian, who was looking down at me with concern all over his face. 

- What? - I mumbled, sitting up. 

- You were talking in your sleep. - Emerson said. - And then you started screaming, it was pretty weird. 

All that happened - or the dream, as they said - came flooding back. 

- The man... - I mumbled, looking around the place. 

He was there. 

A mischievous grin playing on his lips, his eyes locked on me, telling me something else.

It happened.

I pushed Remington and Sebastian, who were towering over me like I could disappear at any minute, aside and rushed over to the metal bars, trying to get as close to the man as I could, so he could hear me whispering. 

- What happened? How'd you do that?

- Oh, darling, - He chuckled, caressing his beard. - I can't tell you that. But I can, effectively, - He inspected his nails. - get you out of here. 

- All of us?

- Just you, dear. You have t-

- Maddison, what the hell? - Remington pushed me back, away from the bars, away from the man, and forced me to look into his eyes. - What's going on? Now you're talking to the guy that creeped you out? - The man laughed and I looked at him, that shocked expression plastered on my face all the time, but Remington ignored him. - Maddison. 

- Wha- I just, I need a second alone. - I muttered, pushing him aside and going to the man again, but then, he wasn't there. 

Again, he disappeared.

But this time nobody woke me up. Nobody noticed the man was gone. 

- Maddison. - Sebastian called me, with a serious tone. - Are you feeling alright? If you need we can call the officer so he can take you to the bathroom of even the hospital if you need-

- Didn't you see that? - I almost screamed. - The man?! He's gone! He disappeared! He said stuff, he disappeared and came back but now he's gone, completely vanished! 

They started telling me I was crazy, that nothing had happened, and that I was just still drunk and needed some rest.

But it happened. I'm sure it did.

The Underground {Palaye Royale} [Mystery/ Thriller] [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now