Chapter 5 - Lab

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Peter stumbled a little bit as his orientation started to fade, he read about this in a

book once, when its completely black with no source of light what-so-ever you first start to lose your balance making you stumble and fall easily, then you completely lose your orientation, and it becomes hard to figure out what way is up or down.  He stumbled forward a few more steps, lost his balance and stuck out his hands to prepare himself for the floor. But the floor never came, instead his hands landed on a cold stone table, he could feel his knees touching a bench. He took advantage of the seat, and sat down to try and think of what he should do next.

He started to feel around the table until he found an odd bar-like metal object in the center of the table.  It felt sort of like a lever with a ball of metal at the top.  He tried to pull it, because at this point anything was better than sitting in a pitch black room that not even light could shine in.  Nothing happened.  He pushed it, nothing, moved it side to side, still nothing happened, then he pulled it up and still nothing, only one thing left, he pushed it and down and there went the lever.  Instantly the roof opened up, the dark room was flooded with light that came down a small shaft exposing the room to be small and circular with the smooth stone table and lever in the center.

Before he could react a violent wind started up and he was sucked up the shaft. Within in seconds he was tossed up into the air and landed on the white steel floor of a small dimly lit closet. The hole that he was sucked up from closed with no signs of it ever being there, or of ever opening again.

He rubbed a sore spot on his arm, what the hell was that and where the hell was he?  He just stumbled upon a secret entrance of some secret base or something.  He stood up, dazed at what just happened, and soaked in the view to realize he was in a sort of storage room with shelf's covering the walls and various vials and containers covering the shelf's. There was a door across the small white closet, so he walked up to it and saw some weird pad-like thing were the door knob should be.  Was that for a hand print? Peter had no clue what the thing was so then he tried to just push the door open, and it swung open very quickly.  He peaked out of the door in both directions saw what looked like a never ending white hall filled with white doors just like the one that he had opened.

He then stepped into the hall as a pair of white gloves grabbed him from the back around the neck, and threw him to the floor squeezing real hard on his throat. "Who are you!" snapped the man now on top and strangling him.  The man's face was bright red with a little bit of blood coming out of his nose as he squeezed a little harder.  He was older, maybe late twenties older thirties and have black hairs covering his face as if he hadn’t shaved in a few days. 

Peter let out a small squeak and reached his hands for his throat. The man loosened his grip a bit and Peter coughed hoarsely gasping for air. "Peter I, I was thrown up some weird shaft and into this room," he forced out as quickly as possible.

"Well it's not nice to swing a door into someone's face, especially when that door is not scheduled to open for another two weeks."  His voice was a bit rushed as he his nose dripped down onto his white lab coat.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't know anyone was behind the door." Peter responded to the man as he felt a sharp pinch on his left arm, he looked over to see the man holding a needle like object with a long tube attached to a two barreled capsule. There was a trigger placed in the center of both the capsules and one of the tubes was filled with a pink liquid while the other was completely empty. "We have very strict rules here, no spies, no one unregistered, and once you come into this complex, you may never leave," the man said, as Peter felt his eyes droop and his body give away then pass out into oblivion.


Peter woke up with a massive headache, his entire body stiff. When he opened his eyes nothing came into vision.  He tried to blink a lot to try and see if he could get his sight back but nothing seemed to work so he tried to sit up.  But his body was too stiff for even that, he couldn't move at all, it was like someone numbed his entire body.  After about ten minutes of just lying there Peter started to see a bunch of white silhouettes, then after about twenty minutes of being unable to really move his eyes finally focused and he could somewhat see again.

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