never be like you | flume ft. kai

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"Oi! Get the fuck off her!" The piercing voice came out of nowhere, momentarily halting the assault. Scoffing in anger, the girls resumed their attack, one aggressively cooing,

"Got your boyfriend to save ya, huh?" I struggled to defend myself as their hits became even more ruthless.

"Did you not hear me? Get the fuck away from her!" The voice sounded much closer, and the soon, the girls were swatted away.

My hair prevented me from seeing anything other than the ground and shoes, but I noticed a pair of Adidas clad feet coming near me. The girls turned and stepped back, making way for the stranger with the strong voice.

I looked up, squinting and struggling to see.

The leader of the girls spat on the dirt. "You got lucky this time, you bitch," she sneered, her pretty features scrunched up. "The next time you even think about sitting in our spot, we're gonna do much worse than this, demon whore."

Attempting to kick me once more, but getting blocked by the guy in Adidas, the girls left me along on the ground. After a pause, the guy crouched down and looked at me, his gaze burning.

"You okay?" He asked after a moment. I nodded, slowly sitting up. He stood up and extended a hand to me, muttering a soft, "C'mon."

His actions surprised me, and I took advantage of his kindness. Struggling to stand up, I winced in pain.

"Who were they?" He asked in the same soft voice.

"Trash," I scoffed and at his bewildered look, elaborated. "Trash who think they can play God."

He hummed in agreement, his attention deviated to the car slowing down in front of us. I took this moment to take in his appearance and my mouth dried when I realized who helped me.

With dyed-blonde hair as fine as silk and skin as pale as cream, Yuuma Akihiko was very much his namesake. He was hailed as one of the most beautiful boys in our town, even though his family had lived in the town for less than six months. He was beautiful, in both personality and physically.

Beautiful but dangerous. As the youngest Yuuma brother; however, he was the least dangerous of the three.

I was so engrossed in looking at him, I missed what he asked. The honk of the car horn got me out of my reverie.

"Hey, you!" He grinned, waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked and felt the telltale red hue covering my cheeks.

"Sorry," I halfheartedly supplied, still embarrassed.

His grin got wider. "Don't worry about it, you just got your ass handed to you." At this, I narrowed my eyes at him, anger washing away the embarrassment.

"But I asked if you wanted a ride home. You can't walk home with those injuries." Taking this into consideration, I hesitantly nodded in agreement.

He beamed and nodded. He opened the back door, and motioned for me to get in. There was another person sitting in the back wearing all black, his hood covering his head, face turned towards the window, and long legs taking up space. As I situated myself on the leather seats as best I could, Akihiko shut the door and got into the passenger seat.

"Akihiko, who is this?" The driver asked in a dry voice. "Is she another one of your fan girls?"

"Brother, I saved her!" Looking back around, Akihiko said, "We just need to drop her off home."

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