Never Seen Such a Deadly Sunset

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As the appointment came to a close, we exited the boutique to find that a lovely reddish sunset had fallen across the horizon.

"What a beautiful sunset, huh?" Adam commented. Stacey and I both nodded our heads.

"Still not as great as the one when I got proposed to, but . . . this can be a close second." I joked as we climbed back into the vehicle.

"I still can't believe that's how he did it; that's seriously like the cutest thing ever." Stacey said as she pulled out of the parking lot and headed to the main road.

"I know," I blushed.

"And for him to pay for your dress? You're one lucky ass girl, Kelly." Adam said, nudging me. I smiled softly to myself as I looked out the window at the rapidly setting sun. As much as I loved watching the colors dance across the sky, something about nightfall intrigued me more. The stars and their constellations always held a special place in my heart, and each night I attempted to see them at least once before bed.

"Ooh, this is my jam!" Stacey suddenly exclaimed, cranking up the volume on the radio. I easily recognized the song as Phil Collins' In the Air Tonight and scoffed.

"Stacey, are you kidding me? This song came out like a decade ago."

"Yeah, it really blows." Adam added. I giggled as he continued, "do we really have to listen to this crap right now? I'm trying to have a nice car ride."

I caught Stacey rolling her eyes, then she focused on her rearview mirror, "oh, how sick! I think someone is driving a Rolls Royce behind us!" She exclaimed.

Adam and I both turned around to find that in fact, a sleek, black Rolls Royce was trailing behind us by about a hundred feet. The headlights were so bright however, that I was barely able to make it out as that specific model.

"Why do they have their brights on? I can't see a damn thing when I look in the mirror. What an asshole . . ." Stacey mumbled under her breath.

A wave of confusion rolled over me at my sudden realization.

"Wait, Michael's the only person within five-hundred miles of here that owns a Rolls Royce. You don't think he followed us to the shop, did he?" I asked, puzzled.

Adam's brows furrowed when I looked at him, "I highly doubt Michael would risk that much paparazzi just to see your wedding dress. I mean, no offense, it's great, but he'll see it anyways in a few months, ya know?"

I bit my lip as I tried to figure out why he would be out at the moment. I looked back at the glossy car, which was now about half its distance away from us as it was only a minute prior. Even with the blinding lights, I was able to make out a couple letters on the license plate.


"Okay, that is Michael's plate but, it still--" My eyes got wide as I choked on my own breath a bit.

"What, what? Who cares if he's out? Maybe he was getting something to eat--"

"Stacey, NO! That's not Michael driving! That's Lisa! That's the car she took when she left!"

"Holy shit, what do we do?" She asked, taking her eyes off the narrow road to look between Adam and I, "we're about two miles from Neverland. Do I speed up? There isn't much road here. I think she'd be able to pass me if she were trying to get there first."

"Yeah, speed up!" Adam commented as he looked back. Now the Royce caressing the bumper of our car. Stacey slammed on the gas, but our car was no match for Lisa's. She easily kept up with our pace, and also hit our back fender, jolting all of us forward.

"What is this bitch's problem?" Stacey yelled angrily. Neither Adam nor I answered as we both were too occupied with watching Lisa's next move. There was a sharp curve ahead, and I already knew what was coming as Lisa pulled into our outer blind spot.

"She's going to try and run us off."

Stacey whipped her head around in all directions, "the hell she is!" She screamed, speeding up even more. By this time, I didn't know if I was more afraid of Lisa Marie running us off the road, or one or more of the tires exploding first.

I prayed silently to myself as I watched the Rolls Royce inch further and further until it was completely parallel with us. I glanced over at the car, but the tinted windows prevented me from seeing that disgusting woman. I glanced back over at the road with us merely fifty feet or so from the curve.

"I hope everyone's wearing their seat belts."

Stacey gave me a bewildered look, "it's gonna be fine, Kelly. We're gonna--"






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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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