What you do when he isnt home

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Eyeless Jack: You usually tend to seedy, bake random things, and/or watch tv. When you got pregnant you became extra sleepy and would take a nap seedeaters head laying on your bump.

Bloody Painter: You are most likely making lunch/dinner for Helen when he gets home. If he's running a bit late you are sketching or playing with Muse. When you got pregnant Muse started to sleep on your growing bump. Both you and Helen find it adorable.

Puppeteer: As you are his so called personal "doll" you very rarely leave his room. Your most likely sleeping in one of his hoodies or reading if your up. If you actually go out of your room you either finished your book and need another or are craving something. When you got pregnant you started to read to your growing child.

Nathan The Nobody: When he's out your reading or talking with your brother, (Just so you know he died from a heart attack but you two still think he's alive) When you got pregnant Crystal stayed back with you as to watch over you and your bump.

Masky: When Tim's working your often wandering around in the backyard taking different pictures of things. He doesn't like you going out with out him saying that someone could hurt you. When you got pregnant you fell in love with taking pictures of your growing bump occasionally sending one to Tim, which he loves.

Hoodie: If he's out you are most likely on a mission as well.If your not your filling out paperwork so when he gets home you can cuddle. If your finished with work than you eat a shit load of Oreos. When you got pregnant you started to crave even more cookies... don't ask.

Ticci Toby: You hate it when he isn't home. Being trapped in a basement and the only touch you ever know is hurt will do that to a person. You usually curl up in a shirt of his and cry missing him. When you got pregnant you stopped crying as you were never alone anymore.

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