chapter 3

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who is that chick deontavous is with Justin relpyed. that is the girl he cheated on me with . an why the fuck are they doing here. I don't know but I will find out Justin told me . wait right here ma I'll be right back. instead of waiting right there I went back in the house to get me some pepper spray cause I knew shit was about to get ugly . girl what the hell are you doing lanikia asked me. him an that bitch are outside an have the nerve to bring the police with them. girl that dude is not a cop Justin came in a told me . he said he want his car. Justin your going to have to lock me up he not getting my car. deontavous just walks in the house lynisha I want the keys to the car an you out by next week. I'm not going no fucking were an you not getting my dam car . look I've been upsetting my lady for to long carrying on this relationship with you. so how long you been talking to her deontavous . it's been three years an we have a whole family together. you need to leave deontavous I wouldn't just stand there if I was you lanikia said to him . he just set there looking like boo boo the fool an I peppered sprayed his ass. that chick he been fooling with came in talking noise I peppered sprayed her too. I left out of my cousins house didn't know what to do or what to say. I was walking for what seemed like hours an I heared a familiar voice tell me to get in the car. I didn't want to put Justin seemed like he could be harmless. I got in the car with him an I was kind of still shocked. he took the car didn't he Justin . yes he did an he also brought some of your stuff over to your cousins. you know I trusted him when he stayed out late . he always came up with an excuse an I believed him. me an him an my best friend got into on the book cause she saw him with this same girl out. how could I be so dam dumb an stupid the signs were there I just didn't see them. you wasn't dumb babygirl you were just in love. an when your in love with a person an they know it they will walk all over you if you let them. I couldn't get a car in my name cause I had no credit an he agreed to pur it in his name. I worked hard to pay that car off. I worked extra shifts at my job to pay my bills while he sat at home an did nothing but go out an club every other night. you know what he is her problem now less stress. that's why we haven't been getting along the past three months an it's been horrible. I even played for the car he dtives. he going to take my car an give it to her that is fucked all the way up. so how long have you been a cop Justin I asked him. well about four years . you didn't go to saint marks with us he asked me. tell me a little about yourself. well I from Chicago my moma an dad spilt up when I was two. he moved to applewood Louisiana when I was three an remarried. I use to visit applewood Louisiana during the summers. he was murered when I was five an my sister lyronda was three . so lyronda is your sister. yes do you know her . yeah me an her husband rayshone is kinduf cool. I meet him through jafriss in highschool. so you never meet him when you'll were growing up I asked. I moved back to atlantia my nigth grade year. I was raised in Florida with my dad. he went to prision my nigth grade year. so my moved me an her back put her she also wanted to be close to my sister witch is jafriss moma. isn't it funny he is your nephew an you an him is almost the same age. no not really we act our age he don't call me uncle justin or shit like that so how long you been working at the hospital. since I graduated highschool. I'm two years older than lyronda I tell him. I think lanikia been trying to get us to talk for awhile. if you don't say so lyronda had het part in too. they would bring your name up around me but I nerver would pay them any attention. look justin I don't mean to be rude I just broke up with deontavous I'm not trying to date anybody right now. I understand no hard feelings he told me. he gave me a hug an I got back in his car were he took me back to lanikias house. so the next day I went to the hospital were my mom works at. hey moma how are you doing . I'm ok how are you doing lynisha. I'm just in a sticky situation . you know me an deontavous broke up. he put me out the apartment an he took my car. I know like hell he didn't you worked hard to get it. I told you when you got that car you a shouldn't have put it in his name. I realised that mom I should have listen but I didn't listen. well do you need help trying to get you a car. moma you know ima get me a car . ok I'm bout to take lyronda her car back . I wanted to stop by before I went to work since haven't seen you in a couple days . I love you to my baby you make me feel so special. I love you to moma I will see you later. while I was leaving out the hospital I ran into my brother in law rayshone . man what are you doing up here. I came to see a friend of mines. oh ok tell my sister ima about to bring her the car . you can tell her she right behind you. when she cane up to she asked so you here to see Justin. no I came up here to see my mom. what is wrong with Justin. we came to see him a bullet grased him. his he ok I asked rayshone chimed in an say he ok. so how you know my bow rayshone stated . I meet him a time or two an the first one wasn't to sister bust out laughing an he said the same thing about you. yeah I think were good now I'll go up there with you guys to see him. so we went to see him an I myself didn't know what kind of shape he would be in. when we got to hid room he was eating jello an watching cartoons. so hey my boy you amongst they living rsyshone hollars out.
we just wanted to come see if you were ok lyronda stated. I don't know about them I just wanted to know that you were ok I stated. I'm better now that I saw your face. oh how sweet just that just made my heart melt lol. so we were in his hospital room. why you still standing up lynisha. there is really nowhere for me to sit. you can come sit on the bed with me. so I went an set on the bed with him an it wasn't that close. some check walks in the room an give me a look like what this close to my man. I get up an look her up an down an I tell Lucinda ima see you'll later an take your car back home get well soon Justin. oh boo you don't have to worry about Justin he in good hands.I'm sorry boo Justin can speak for himself. Justin who is this bitch she asked him. look who the fuck are you talking to it's ms. bitch too you . I'm lynisha an you don't fucking know me so you best shut the fuck up for that ass get handled.
Look Terry what the hell are you doing here. I'm here to check on you I heard about what happend. Terry we are not together an you have no right to wasp in here an disrespect my friends. so you clearly trying to replace me with her I can tell I went through your Facebook. how in the hell you get into my account he asked her.lyronda chims in an says you need to watch your tone when you speaking on that one right there referring to me . an who in the hell are you she said looking at lyronda. I'm that bitch who going to pop your ass if you don't tome it down. . Terry I think you need to leave Justin told her. I don't have to go anywhere she said. I will call security on you If you don't lyronda told her. rayshone had her by the waist an was trying to come her down but it wasn't working. I just leave out the room to keep from saying something else. I went back two lanikias an she was just moping around the house like a lost puppy. why are you looking like you lost your best friend I tell her. I have to go into my office job tommorw. oh so that got you big mad I asked her. no that is not it jafriss gave me head the other day. wait what when this happend you act like it was good. no it was I actually liked it but after he had to leave. he left his phone an this girl been fooling around with text him an he been messing with her. so I just told him it was a mistake an we crossed the line. so it is better we stay as friends. so what you got going on in your love life. well nothing much went an saw mom an ran into rayshone an lyronda Justin is in the hospital. I heard about him getting shot . so you know this chick name Terry he use to talk to or he talks to. yeah I know of her but they been broke up for a while now. well she came up to the hospital an her introduction was not pretty. Lyronda out her to get her car I'll tell you when come back. I walk outside an hand Lyronda her keys as rayshone pulls off. hey Justin wants you talk him . why he want me to call him. Idk just don't shoot the messenger. she gets in her car an drives off an I decide to call the boy. boy what do you want I ask him. first of ms. kimmson I am a grown ass man. an second you will watch your town when you talk to me clearly you don't know who you dealing with. ok an my name is lynisha Marie kimmson you don't know who you talk or dealing with. clearly you must wanted to talk since you told me to call you so what's up. it was really nothing I want to apologize for how terrys ass acted. so that's all you huh hell no we been broken up for a year. its good you just tell Terry to stay in her place. hey I'm getting out of here tomorrow you think you can drive my car an me home . I could after I get off of work. I can see if they let me leave early or something. how am I going to get up there with no ride. just don't worry about that . I will get you a ride up here ima ask jafriss. ok well let me get in here an cook lanikia this food I've been promising. what are cooking Justin asked. some homemade lasunia. I want some he asked I see if lanikia let me borrow her car to bring you a plate. I'll talk to you later an I might be up there after that I got off the phone with him

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