charter 8

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so while we were getting the food for supper i got a text from justin.

big daddy justin
hey are you ok

me yeah im ok what do you want
big daddy justin

you made that clear the night you lefty me at the hospital

even you trippin on a nigga i dont fuck with anymore

big daddy justin
when i get off come by my house so we can talk.

you do know im hanging with the girls i tell him

big daddy justin
well ill come to your crib justin stated

big daddy justin
ok see you later

an hour after we ate our food we were heading home . stacey said thats şad we bought this food an didnt even cook it. yeah you guys we got to do better. yeah right lanika you going to be the main one off track. girl bye everytime we call you lynisha what are you doing. shit nothing im eating a snack. dont do me  cause i am fine as wine. whatever you say we all are going to get healthy. im bout to call this boy an see what time he coming over. who is coming over lanikia asked. girl justin he said we had to talk girl . well i guess let the two of us go so you can talk to your baby daddy. he is not my babydaddy anymore so thats not open for disscusssion anymore. my bad cuz we know you are hurting an you need to talk about the misscarge. I will talk about it but not  the day after. so ill talk to you guys in a bit Justin on his way over. ok we will see you later if you need me call me . I know stacey I love you to.
they left my place an i guess they went home. I went an took a shower. while I was in the shower I heard someone come in my bathroom. an had the nerve to pull my shower curtain back. Justin don't you knock you scared me. an how did you get in here. I still got the key you gave me well you need to hand it here you don't leave here . girl stop tripping an fix daddy something to eat. Shit do i look like florcnce
or the maid. ive been working all day and my stomach is running on empty. Justin I have nothing to do with that. how about you ask the hoes you fuck with. man don't you start this shit. I didn't come over here to argue with you. well let me get out the shower first. he left out the bathroom an I finished showering. so I got out the shower an dried off an put on me some deodorant. lotioned my body an slipped a long T-shirt that was Justin's on. an went back in the leavingroom were Justin was sitting watching TV. so why did you stop by I asked him. well I received this letter on my desk today. im let you take a look at the letter. I want to ask you something do you know a bethany weilis. . yeah I know her she an my brother tatein use to date. well she brought this letter by the station last night. let me read what it says.

dear lynisha

I am sorry the way this ended with me an tatein. I had no choice in the matter at hand. I was forced in the situation at hand. I was approached by Terry an shaymya .they knew that I was cheating on tatein an shaymya told me to break up with tatein. she told me that she was getting you out the way so she could be with deontavous. I really didn't have anything to do with tatein getting jumped it was all Terry an shaymya. they said if I didn't participate they would tell all the dirt they had on me that they knew. so I decide that I would help them out. you have to understand I had a lot at stake. im sorry for what my brother did to you in the baby. it was fun when it was happening then i realised that what my brother did was on called for. tell Justin I understand what he did to my brother an I know why. I will never forget what he did to him. we are going to reminded of this for the rest of our lives. my brother may never walk again because of him. an I also want to let you know that they have an hit over your head. Deontavous told shaymia that he was still in love with you. so you need to be careful the too of them are crazy.

bethany weilis

Im going to get you some protection. Justin im not worried about them. you are getting some protection because I fucking said so. look Justin your are not my daddy I don't need a babysitter. im just looking out for you . I know I am not your daddy. so you still mad at me Justin. no im over it i was just over thinking everything. im sorry can you forgive me he said. you know I can forgive you Justin your my sugar muffin . I then told you about that sugar shit. Justin you know I still got love for you. so you still got love for me well fix me something to eat.I guess I can hook you something up. I went in the kitchen an cooked him some chicken nuggets an fries an went back into the living-room an got on Justin case I know you didn't come an change my show. man chill ima turn it back I wanted to see who playing tomm. I just looked at him an shock my head. I went back in the kitchen to fix his food. when I was done I fixed his plate handed him a bottle of water an set back down on the couch. dang I am tired I say to myself. I watched my show for a few more minutes until I finally went to sleep. I woke back up an had cover on me I was about to tell Justin to leave cause it was late when I looked over he was asleep on my long couch. I said what the hell he can sleep here I guess. I put the cover that he had put on me on him an I walked to my room in got in the bed to go back to sleep. when I woke up later that morning I smelled food being cooked. I could smell bacon eggs sausage gritts an hanshbrowns. I got up an went to the bathroom an brushed my teeth an washed my face. so I finally went tie the kitchen an Justin was putting his wrist too work.hey I made some of your favorites he tells me. so he fixed me an his plate an I got the juice an made his favorite tropical fruit juice. during breakfast he asked how long I had off work . I told him I had a week but I was going to do some sitting through my job. you need to sit your ass down somewhere. im not about to sit around an not work an let my bills pile up. I told you I got your ass you just to hard headed. Whatever Justin don't care what you say im going back to work. he just sit there an looked at me an shook his head. after breakfast I cleaned the kitchen an went an got ready for work. when I was done I put my work uniform on. I went an got my work keys about to head out. were do you think you are going asked me . um I am going to work I tell him. look you just lost our child I think you should rest. Justin im not about to argue with you I need the money. you don't need  the money you just hard headed an don't listen. look Justin im not about to argue with you im going to work. if you leave out that door I want be here when you come back. ok that's fine you can leave an make sure you put my keys in my box. I walked out the door in walked down the sidewalk to the parking lot of my building an got in my car. I set there for a minute before pulling off an said i can't believe he tripping out on me working. I went to work an when I got there I called his phone it went straight to voicemail.
since that day its been six weeks since me an Justin talked. this particular night was like any other night was working on school work an I was also at my job at the Hospitial. it was an hour before getting of time an I always take my last break at that time. I decide to get me some gas while I was out on my break . I went in the gas station an payed for my gas I was pumping my gas when I felt somebody come up behind me an told me don't make any sudden  movements.I wasted the gas I was putting in the car on my shoes an the ground couldn't believe deontavous had a gun pointed in my back. he made walk with him to the bathroom with the gun pointed to my back. he shoved me in the bathroom an locked the door. deontavous what the hell do you think you are doing. so you think you can just move on with your life an play house with Justin huh. fuck you deontavous your the one that did me dirty. so its fuck me huh your about get on your knees an suck this dick or ill have you sucking on these bullets. I slapped him an he punched me dead in the mouth. he was hitting me so much that I blacked out. I woke up when he was pissin in my face. oh sleeping beauty is a wake he said. he started ripping my clothes off. Deontavous you don't have to do this. he said shut up bitch im teach your as about being disrespectful. While still trying to get my clothes off . I don't know were I got the courage from but I kicked him in the balls . he dropped the gun an I picked it up an hit him in the head. he fell down an I opened the door an ran to my car an got in an drove like a bat out of hell back to my job. when I got there I ran inside to my sister. Lynisha what happened can you lyronda said to me historical. Deontavous did this too me he tried to rape me. I cried to my sister. I ran to the shower an tried to scrub all of the scumb off me. when I was done showering lyronda came an knocked on the door an said I have someone who wants too see you. im not up for visitors. I put too hospital gowns an looked in the mirror at my face an it was all bruised I started too cry. my sister came in anyway with a person I didn't want to see. what is he doing here lyronda. I just sit there on the floor an Justin asked who did this to me. you know who did this too me I tell him.he said how when you want tell me. I finally told him an he asked me did I know were he was at now. I told him I left him at the gas station in the bathroom he picked me up an carried me too the hallway. I can walk Justin so me an lyronda clocked out an we got in Justin car. when we made it to the gastion deontavous car was still in the parking lot . we went into the bathroom were I left him at he was not there it was a trail of blood going to the parking lot . Justin said he could be anywhere by now.

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