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The Lord almighty has helped me in the week of my exams, hallelubah! Alrighty, exams, the final boss of every term end or school year. Sometimes, exams can be really easy... and the other times are like being tortured for 90 minutes.

Why do exams have to be so... so... hyperventilating and stress inducing? In my school, we sometimes have projects to do that's due ON the exam week! Gah! It disgusts me so much! Like, the teachers are basically shoving stress pills up your throat to potentially kill you. I'm a bit jealous of some people who can survive with little to no effort put in. They all look flawless even after so many nights where they stayed up very late with no eyebags. I realized that my classmates and I have suffered the same fate, where everyone were so tired that they had eyebags in their eyebags! Have you ever had that? Eyebags in your eyebags? I shiver at the thought... My friend, who's code name will be JarJar Binks, and I were so tired, mentally and emotionally drowned that both of us had three breakdowns through the week. Yep, we actually cried because of everything that has happened throughout the strange year.

Let's see... oh, let's talk about my week of exams. The week of exams on my first day... I was already dreading it. One, I had just gotten home from travelling because I was supposed to be spending time with the rest of my family, but nope! Exam week had to happen! And two... what was the second one...


Ah, I remember now! And two, I was just super stressed out about everything that happened in the aforementioned, strange year. If you're curious about what had happened, don't ask me... because I'm not allowed to speak out most of them. What I can say is this, three of the boys in my class that I got attatched to (no, not that kind of attatched... you... creepo) are leaving. The three boys being Z, Ceej and Rick (all of which are code names). Z and Ceej are moving to different schools, which JarJar Binks, Machu Pichu, myself and the rest of the class don't like. Rick, though, is going back to the U.S... GOSH DANG IT, RICK! TAKE ME, JULIE AND NIKKI WITH YOU SO WE CAN GO TO HARRY POTTER WORLD, DANG IT! Ahem, anyway, there's a third reason I was already hating it. The third reason being that our first exam is music... which I am totally bad at and have missed almost every meeting (because remember, family stuff) and have no idea what the heck is going on. However, another girl in my class, who I'll call Lex also had no idea what's going on so yay us! The next two subjects were the subjects I was never good at... Filipino and Math.

*rolls around while groaning* Oh, how I hate these subjects so much... for one, I don't really dislike Filipino all that much now because at times it gets a little easy. But then the exams came and we were all being butchered! Then we get to... MATH. I was never really good at this subject because (I'm lazy) I never really paid much attention to it. Back then, I used to be a mathematics BOSS! FEAR ME! Now, looking back at it... I was a dang good child back then... so now I'm like... what the heck... what happened? After what seemed like forever on those two tests, I felt like I was standing on a cliff being Moana cause I'n free and all the rest of the exams are eas- No. No, they aren't.

So, what's my important advice for today? Wear your seatbelt

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So, what's my important advice for today? Wear your seatbelt. Oh, wait, that's James's (theoddonesout) line... let's see... here we go, inspirational (not really) lines. So, for today... press on in your exams (or school) and hope for a relaxing weekend/vacation! Don't worry, friends! It will all be over soon! Ciao!

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