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Four days later...

"Wake up!" Hayley yelled.

"No.." I groaned.

"The concert is today." Those words made me jump out of my bed.

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"You have exactly one hour."

"What?! Couldn't you have woken me up earlier?"

"Well, yes. But I woke up fifteen minutes ago, so.." she explained, "And I was able to get ready, so you'll be able to do so as well."

"Okay," I said before walking into the bathroom to get ready.


"I'm ready!" I shouted half an hour later.

"Finally!" She smiled, "We're supposed to leave in half an hour, but we can leave now as well."

"That's a good idea. The closer we are to the stage, the better."

"Exactly. Let's go!"

I pulled out my phone as soon as we got in the car just to text Oliver.


Me: we're on our way to the venue ezjslkjdlnksj

olober: I'm very jealous right now

Me: that's too bad for you c:

olober: Rude..

Me: sorry not sorry

olober: hdtfhfyddb

olober: Oh god, my friends were being annoying. Just ignore that

Me: i like your friends, i'd be annoying as well, just like i am right now

olober: Nah, you're not annoying.

Me: i am

olober: You're not

Me: i am

olober: You're not

Me: i am

olober: You're not

Me: whatever you say 

Me: we're almost there and i'm getting nervous

olober: No need to be nervous

Me: it's my first concert so that's why i guess. plus, hayley says she'll drag me into a pit

olober: Just do it

Me: don't shia labeouf me

olober: But, he's so inspirational

Me: totally

Me: oh god, we've arrived at the venue

Me: okay, prepare yourself. i'm going to send a picture of my face

Me: *view attachment* excuse my horrible face

olober: What're you talking about? You're beautiful, love

Me: thx

olober: I try to be nice for once and then you just say thx

Me: thank you very much, sir

Me: i'll put away my phone 'till the concert begins. i need to save battery.

olober: That's a good idea

Wrong Number ☆ Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now