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Your P.O.V

He is still holding my hand while walking somewhere. I keep asking him but he's answering me a smirk. And it creeps me out.

"Yah! Taehyung-ssi! Where are we going? Answer me!" I whined. Then he pouted so I get confused.

"Kiss first." I rolled my eyes then pushed his face away. He just chuckled of what I did then looks at me with a smile.

"You tease. Just tell me already." I'm trying to take off his hold to my hand but I failed because our fingers our interwined.

"Why are you trying to take my hold off?" He asked seriously. I pouted then look at him.

"Because I can't walk freely. So can you please let me go?" I really don't want him to let me go. I want this to last forever. But if I let him, he'll know what feelings do I have for him.

"Never. If I could just handcuffed your hand to mine I will. I don't want you far away from me." I blushed really hard so I look away, trying to hide my tomato face.

"I w-will go wherever I want. You're just my brother." I'm guilty of saying those. Really guilty.

Instead of letting me go, he holds my hand tighter, making me to face him. He glared at me so I gulped.

"Take back what you said." He command. I shook my head then look at him again.

"You're just my brother. We're siblings. One day, you'll find who you love, I will, too. That's the truth." Truth hurts as hell.

"I already found the one who I love. And she have to take back what she said and love me, too." My eyes widened then shook my head slowly. I again tried to take my hand off of his hold but failed several times.

"Y-You love me as your sister. What I mean is—"

"I love you more than that." I'm still shaking my head. When I closed my eyes, tears rolled down my cheeks and I keep tryring to get away but his hand is really strong and his hold is really tight.

"No... You can't... You... Can't... 'We' can't..." My voice cracked everytime I'm trying to say a word.

He pulled me close to him and hugged me, still holding my hand. I'm struggling to get away and even pushes him but none of that made him let go. I realized that I made his jacket wet because of my tears.

When I get the strength, I pushed him away really hard, causing him to let go, even my hand. I wiped my tears while looking at him. He was about tocome near me again but I pointed him that made him stop.

"Don't come near me. And don't ever play my feelings. Now that you made me cry, are you happy? I hope so, these tears will never fall because of you, ever again." Don't give me false hope, Taehyung. Because I'm hoping so high.

I ran away from him. I heard his footsteps so I run faster. He keeps on calling me but I never dare to stop nor look back at him.

I reached my hotel room then locked it quickly. I heard several knocks but I don't want to open.

"Choyeon! Open this door!" I sit on the floor, resting my back to the door while covering my face so that he'll not hear me crying.

"Go away! Go back to your girlfriend, Taehyung!" I can't help my voice from cracking up because of crying.

"I will not leave until you open the door! I love you, Choyeon! Please, open this door!" I stopped a moment from crying when I heard his voice cracked. He's crying...

"You don't love me! You love Kireum! You're just confused of your freaking feelings! Don't set a trap to me, Taehyung!" I feel his voice getting lower so I think he knelt. He's still crying like I am right now.

"Sweetie... Open the door..." My tears won't stop falling. Mostly when he called me that way. I hate him for making me fall for him so hard.

I love him. But I don't think he feels the same. He's just confused of his feelings, that's all. I know who he really love, and it's Kireum. They've been together for two years and I think it's enough proof that they love each other.

"Taehyung... Just go..." My voice was calmed now but my eyes were sore.

"No, sweetie... I will never leave you. Forgive me for my mistakes... I'm sorry... I want a distance to us before because what I feel for you is wrong. But now I realized... You are worth fighting for." I bit my lip then tilted my head a bit.

"I love you, Choyeon. I always do. But if you say 'leave'..." He paused for a moment then continues. "I will. If that's what you want..."

I don't want him to leave. I want him to be with me. But it's wrong if I'm selfish. These feelings are wrong. I love my family, and I don't want to break it because of our selfish love.

"Come on, sweetie. Say it." That sweet tone... How I've been longing for him to use that for me. But now that it happens, I realized that I didn't think of the consequences.

I took a deep breath and say,

"L-Leave..." I said in a low tone. I didn't hear anything for a moment but then Taehyung speak.

"W...What is it again, sweetie? I didn't hear cleary." I bit my lip as my tears started to fall again. My breath is heavy and fast because I'm trying to make my voice calm.

"Leave, I-I don't love y-you..."

"... Okay." I heard his footsteps going far away from me. I closed my eyes then let myself cry so loud.


So much drama geez. Anyway, I update daily so yeahhhhhhhhh... But I can't promise that cause I've got homeworks and school stuff to do by the second week of June. Hope you like this chapter though!

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