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You opened your eyes and your vision is very blurry. But when you move your hand to rub your eyes it's been stopped by a rope that's tied on your wrists and ankles. Your mouth has been covered with a handkerchief so you can't talk.

When you heard footsteps that's getting closer to you, you shivered in fear. Your heart beats so fast and it's like going to explode.

You felt a hand that harshly tugged your hair. You screamed in pain.

"Surprise." She whispered to your ear. From her voice, you can tell who it is. The only person who hates you.

"You must be tired of waiting me in here. Yeah, I know it's boring in here. Don't worry, these boys will keep you company." You looked at the boys that's behind her back, whispering while looking at you with seductive eyes.

"Mmm!!!" You yelled on top of your lungs. She chuckled then took off the handkerchief.

"There, scream whenever you want but no one can hear you except us." You looked around the building which is kind of familiar to you.

"You bitch." You uttered then spit on her face. She glared at you then gives you a slap.

"I know. But you're a dirty little bitch. Falling in love to your own brother. Disgusting." She stood up then flipped her wavy hair.

"Now that you're gone. No one can stop the wedding." She stated with a smirk.

"You can't have your wedding. I'm missing, of course Taehyung will find me. And I'm sure of that."

She tugged your hair once again, but harder.

"Oh no, I will not let that happen." Kireum flashed a sinister smile that makes you nervous.

"I heard Jimin is sick." Your eyes widened in shock. Kireum's smile went wider.

"No, you can't." You hissed.

"There's nothing I can't do, Choyeon. Now pick. Jimin... or Taehyung?" You looked down at the floor because you can't pick between the two.

"I'm not a patient person, Choyeon. So pick quickly." She added then grabbed the gun out of her jacket. She aimed it to you then smiled.

"I will count to 5. If you don't answer, you die. If you pick Jimin, you and him will live. If you pick Taehyung, Jimin die. Easy, just answer me."

You sighed heavily.


*Who will I pick?*


*I can't let Taehyung marry this psycho.*


*But I can't let Jimin die.*


*Is this a right thing? To pick...*


"I've decided." Kireum raised her eyebrow, waiting for your answer.

-Young Forever Hotel-

"Did you know where she is?" Taehyung asked.

"How would I know? I'm at my house and you're with her a while ago. If something happens to her, I'll kill you." Yoongi retorted. Taehyung sighed then ends the call.

Taehyung searched the whole hotel but he can't find you anywhere. He even call all your friends to ask for help but no one knows where you are.

"Taehyung!" He tilted his head and received a punch from Jungkook. Taehyung fell on the floor, with his side of the lips bleeding.

"That punch was not enough, you bastard." Taehyung gets up then glared at Jungkook.

"Now is not the time. You can kill me after we found Choyeon." Jungkook scoffed then started to ran to find you but he halted when he saw a familiar figure.

"Kireum? What are you doing here?" He asked. Kireum gave Jungkook a smirk then pulled you out of her car.

"Choyeon?" Your tears rolled down your cheeks then hugged him tight. He hugged you back without hesitation.

"Kireum, you may be my sister but I can kill you if you did something to her."

"Aigoo. We just had a little chat, that's all. Right, Choyeon?" Jungkook wiped out your tears then cupped your cheeks.

"Y-Yeah, she's right. I just missed you, that's why I'm crying right now."

"I have to go, bye." Kireum said then gets in the car and drive. When she's out of the sight, Jungkook looked at you seriously.

"What did she do to you? Tell me the truth." You bit your lip, trying not to cry once again.

You told him everything because you trust him. You tell him what you pick and what you think is right.

"So... you pick Jimin?" You nodded while smiling.

"I don't regret what I chose. I don't want Jimin to be dead just because of my stupidity."

"So... let's go?" You shook your head, leaving him confused.

"I promised that I pretend that I went out of town."

"What? Are you out of your mind? You really obey Kireum?" You smiled sheepishly then nodded.

"I have to. I broke Jimin's heart, so I want to make it up for him." Jungkook sighed then looks away.

"So, where are you going to live?"

"Can I live with you?"

My Stepbrother [Taehyung FF]Where stories live. Discover now