An arrival, Ice cream, and one hell of a intoduction

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"Are you sure he'll be ok?" A voice asked.

"Hon, He'll be fine he just needs to get used to this place." another voice, a deeper one, responded.

"Are you sure? He seemed so nervous."

"Listen. He's our son. You know what he can do. he'll be just fine ok?"


"Good. Now let's get some sleep"

Those were my parents. They were talking about me again. I'm glad I'm here. Maybe here I can finally feel like I belong, I guess. I opened my eyes to a bright room, the light burning my eyes as well as the lamp I forgot to turn off just stung them all the more.

"Good morning" I said to myself. I got out of bed and looked at my duffel bag of clothes. God I love that thing. That bag was always there whenever I needed it. I pulled out my grey hoodie and some jeans. I changed, threw on some sneakers, fixed my hair and went outside. I heard some notes playing a short song in this quiet, little street. I knew that music anywhere.

Ice cream truck. I looked to my right and there were some younger kids in line, handfuls of bills. I thought of when I was that young.

"Thanks daddy." I smiled to my father. I saw he wasn't holding one. "Don't you want one? D'you want mine?" I offered, holding the cone up.

"It's ok, Vergil, you enjoy it." My father responded.

"But that isn't fair daddy. You always said to share, but you don't want it. Why don't you want some?" My father looked down at my innocent, seven year old face. Me being as stubborn as I was he knew he wouldn't get away without some ice cream.

"Maybe just a little." He reached for the cone as I handed it to him.

"Yay!" I smiled as I got my way. My dad practically never ate candy, ice cream, other things of the sort. So seeing him enjoy it made me smile even at that young carefree age.

"Thank you." he smiled as he handed it back. "I win." I sung as I finished my ice cream knowing to myself I got my dad to eat some as well. 

Snapping back to reality, I noticed a girl, appearing to be the same age as myself, with long red hair and a wide grin sprawled across her thin face, standing right in front of me, like she knew something that I didn't. I jumped back in surprise as she spoke loudly.

"Hi! you wouldn't happen to have any money, would you?" Remembering the cash my mom gave me before I left I began to nod before she pulled my arm away and began running towards the truck "Great!" looking over her shoulder and me, she began to grin once more, looking back at me as we ran.

"Oh. By the way, I'm Maddie! Nice day huh?"

"Uh yeah, it is." I realized it was pretty nice out, not too hot for a summer's afternoon. We made it to the truck. A man who I thought resembled Big Boss or Snake from Metal Gear with the eye patch and scruffy beard, not to mention his mannerisms.

"Hey Maddie Two vanilla cones again?" the man asked.

"Yup!" That giant smile still plastered on her face.

He handed her the cones and asked me "And you?"

"Oh. just chocolate would be good. Thanks."

"There ya go kid. hey, you new here?"

"Yeah that's my house over there with the boxes." I pointed to my new home.

"Welcome kid. Your first cone, it's on me my friend."

"Gee thanks uhh....." I never asked his name.

"Just call me Jack. Everybody does, kid." If that didn't scream metal gear I don't know what does.

"Now Maddie, however has gotta pay." Jack solemnly replied.

"Hehe, see, I don't have any money...." she looked to me, eyes getting beady.

"You know the rules Maddie, and you already used your free cone for the month." Jack said sternly.

"Yeah but I have money. I'll pay. It's alright. I'll even pay for mine." I offered, wasting my allowance for the week.

"Kid you'd be better off trying to shoot me dead than paying for your first cone. But hers however," he trailed off.

"Done." I said confidently.

"What a gentlemen. Maddie, try not to screw this guy up would ya?" Jack joked, winking at Maddie.

"THAT WAS ONE TIME AND IT WAS A JOKE! C'mon let's go." I never saw another person have their face turn as red as their hair before until now. She grabbed my wrist and walked from the truck, both cones in hand as I carried mine with my usable one. We were walking toward that girl I saw before by that tree.

"Yo." She greeted.

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