Chapter 19

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Normani huffed as she finished editing the ad on her laptop. It had been two hours already since she had gotten back and Lauren was still not back, so she decided to make her time useful and begin to edit a few pictures and begin making the ads and posters for the clubs. They were coming out pretty good and she was engrossed in it but her mind couldn't help but drift back to Lauren.

Normani picked up her phone and dialed her number, only to go to voicemail…again.

Normani sighed she hoped Lauren came home soon.

Ally and Demi slowly placed Lauren on Dinah's couch while Lucy placed Dinah on the opposite couch. Ally quickly opened the bag and took out the several boxes of first aid kits. On their way back to Dinah's, they had stop by at the pharmacy and bought as much medical supplies they could get at the pharmacy.

As Ally removed Lauren's jacket her phone fell out, she picked it up and she saw that she had 7 missed called from Normani.

"Take my phone," Dinah told Lucy, "Call Daya,"

"I really don't think it's time for one of your booty calls." Lucy responded.

"She's a nurse," Dinah explained, "She lives a few minutes away, she can help us."

As Lucy dialed the call Ally took the gaze out, she began to clean up the blood that ran show the side of Lauren's head. It wasn't long until Demi and Lucy began to tend to Dinah. Lauren felt a bit loopy and dizzy, she wasn't sure how long she had been at Dinah's condo because not long after that she saw Zendaya tending to Dinah, she felt like she had just gotten here.

She felt her ribs were hurting pretty bad but that was about all she was aware of. She felt her phone vibrate again, she looked at the screen and saw she had 17 missed calls from Normani; it was strange because not even a second ago she had checked it and it had been 7.

"Lauren," A voice called.

Lauren opened her eyes, she saw Zendaya right in front of her.

"Can you hear me?" Zendaya asked as she flashed a light in Lauren's eye.

"Yes," She whispered.

"Okay, good. I am going to stitch you up. Theirs a cut on your forehead, your right eye is a little scrape so I'll disinfect that." Daya explained carefully, "Your lip is busted but there's nothing I can do about that."

Lauren just managed to nod. She felt Zendaya's hands on her forehead for a while, before wrapping Lauren's head. She also cleaned Lauren's eye, which did sting but she really didn't have any strength to even grunt or complain. Instead she looked around the place and notice that Dinah was laid on the couch all bandaged up, she had one of her eyes swollen shut, her cheek was scraped too. She had Dinah's shirt off and she had bruises all over her body, but she knew she probably wasn't better off.

"Hey I'm going to lift up your shirt and check and make sure nothings broken. This will hurt a lot." Daya said.

Zendaya took off her shirt and Lauren wince at all the movement. She let out a loud yelp when she felt her hands feeling around, she wanted to move away but she felt someone holding her back, probably Lucy.

"Okay good news is that nothing is broken," Zendaya announced, "Their just bruised, make sure you ice it a lot. I can sneak you some painkillers like I will for Dinah but it would be best if you guys went to the hospital."

She heard Daya and Lucy converse some more as Ally helped Lauren into her shirt.

"I need to go home." Lauren finally spoke.

"Take some anti-inflammatory." Ally said as she held them to Lauren

Lauren shook her head, "I want Normani…just get me Mani."

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