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~~12 YEARS AGO~~

The young mother placed a flower crown on her son's head. She knew her husband would disapprove, but she longed for a chance to dress up her child and place flowers in their hair. She did not have a daughter; that had ended with a miscarriage. Now she had this curious little boy, who did not seem to care what his mother did with his hair.

As the pair lay in the meadow taking a nap, a small creature eyed them curiously from a distance. From their place in the high branches of a pine tree, a creature watched as the toddler waddled away from his napping mother and towards a patch of trees. The creature flew from it's spot in the pine to follow the little boy. To the creature's surprise, the little boy noticed it flying and looked up, and instead of screaming, laughed. The little boy was enchanted by this knew flying thing he had never seen before. The creature decided to land in front of the boy. When standing so close, it was easy to see that the creature was twice the size of the boy. The toddler looked up at the winged creature in awe. It was rich purple in color, with feathers that looked too soft to be real. It's beak and talons were a bright blue, and the leather on it's legs were night black. It had an aura of calm and curiosity around it.

The mother suddenly awoke, realizing that her son was not beside her. In a panicked state, she began to call her son's name. The winged creature heard this, and flew back into the Forest. The mother reached the boy, and scolded him for running off. She glanced towards the tall trees, a look of caution and fear evident in her features, Without another word, she scooped up the child and headed off, back towards the meadow. She didn't stop though, and instead walked briskly back towards the comforts of the town. It would be a long while before she felt comfortable by the Forest, again.


The frozen night air was still and serene. Ice hung in daggers from rooftops and tree branches, and fresh snow blanketed the earth. The mountains loomed like a giant shadow imprisoning a town that longed for the relief of spring.  Down in the center of that town, all the people had gathered. They sang, drank, and feasted while taking turns with their friends dancing like animals around a roaring fire. This was no hearty festival; it was a dark ritual.

Shadows danced across the people's faces as they laughed and jeered. The dancers threw themselves into the air with wild screams. The fire roared and spat hot embers, waiting for a dancer to fall victim to the flames. All the while the young mother watched from a distance, holding her child close and under her shawl. Her husband stood beside her, his arm gently draped across her shoulders. The couple watched as the fire ate up what was left of the meal the town people had given it; the old Witch Arroya. The people had burned the Witch Arroya alive.

Tears leaked from the mother's eyes. Her son, unable to understand, imagined the floating embers to be fairies. The husband simply watched with a blank expression. He knew the witch got what was coming to her. Anyone who tempts the evil of the Forest must be punished by execution. He just wished the town could be a little more humane about it.

By dawn, the fire had died out and the people had returned home. There was nothing left of the witch but a pile of grey ashes.

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