Second Attack

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William had barely slept an hour when he was woken up by a loud, rhythmic ring. Once he realized it was the Chapel bells, he shot up in bed, the alarm in the tolls evident. Strange; the bells had never been used as a warning. He grabbed his glasses, quickly put on a warm shirt and boots, and rushed outside. He saw his brother Mikail already down the road, and quickly caught up to him. "Good morning," Mikail said. "Is it?" William responded. "I hope so," said Mikail. William looked at his younger brother, debating whether to tell him to stay home or come with. If this really was another attack, William didn't want Mikail getting hurt, or having to see something he wasn't ready for. When he saw the look of excitement and determination on his brother's face, he decided against it.

As the boys walked towards the center of town, a warm silent wind swooped through the cobbled streets, carrying a scent of burning wood. There was no doubt; someone's home had caught fire, and judging from the direction of the wind, it was north, close to the edge of the Forest. Same area Mr. Horris's house had been. William sprinted in the direction of the fire, Mikail following closely behind. As they ran through the town, more people came out of their houses to inspect the chaos. Some were still in their nightgowns and caps. Just as William was running out of breath, they reached the edge of town. What they saw in the distance stopped both of them in there tracks.

About a mile in the distance, the green farmland was littered with corpses of sheep, their white coats stained with red blood. The crops were ablaze in a horrific sheet of fire, the fences torn from their posts, and the farmstead beyond lit like a torch. But what frightened the brothers the most was the creature that caused it. In the dark, early morning sky, the underbelly of a gigantic, leathery beast with wings reflected the glow of an inferno below. It circled lazily in and out of the towers of billowing smoke. William noticed there was no one to extinguish the fire; everyone had gathered at the edge to watch as the beast lay waste to this corner of Dolorville. A woman began to scream. A man began to yell in anger. The people of Dolorville began to raise their voices in fear, and rush to grab pitchforks or to hide their children. Some stood still, like William and Mikail, and watched the beast circle like a hawk around it's prey.

William had never felt more afraid, but he knew he had to get Mikail home before something happened. He turned to his brother and took his arm, pulling him back into the town and towards their home. Mikail began to protest, "Will, what are y-"

"We have to go home now."

"Wait, waitwaitwaitwaitwait-"

"We have to go now, Mikail."

"But, w-w-what is, what is that... that thing?"

William pulled harder as the streets became more crowded and loud. Suddenly, a shrill shriek erupted from behind them. William stopped and turned around to see a woman pointing a finger to the sky. People followed where she pointed, and as they did so, screamed in terror. Panic consumed everyone; people began running, rushing, trampling over each to find safety. William was shoved into a wall, hitting his head and letting go of Mikail. He heard his brother scream for him. He began to panic. He had to find Mikail, before something happened. He looked for his brother as the street cleared.

Just as William was about to get up and search, a huge shadow passed over, and with a great boom and cracking of wood, came to rest above him. A crippling chill crept through his bones as he slowly looked up above him. His muscles froze, his heart stopped, and his blood turned into ice as he stared into the yellow glowing eyes a dragon. It's pupils were daggers splitting an evil fire. The beast flared it's nostrils and smoke billowed out, making William cough. He never broke gaze with the dragon. With a loud surge of movement, the monster opened it's mouth to reveal sword-like teeth stained with blood. William began to tremble, and felt his bladder give out. He knew he would not live to find Mikail; this terrible monster was going to eat him, he saw it in it's eyes.

The beast swooped it's mighty jaws towards William, and despite the crippling terror coursing through him, he felt a new sense of amazement and curiosity. If only I could go into the Great Forest...

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