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Alex Chambers: Tough, Tomboy, Rebellious

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Alex Chambers:
Tough, Tomboy, Rebellious

Abby Chambers: Tomboy, Sweet, Sporty, Alex' twin

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Abby Chambers:
Tomboy, Sweet, Sporty, Alex' twin

Abby Chambers: Tomboy, Sweet, Sporty, Alex' twin

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Violet "V" Dixon:
Smart, Logical, Loyal

Violet "V" Dixon:Smart, Logical, Loyal

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Adam Johnson:
Sweet, Nerdy, Shy

Spencer Adducts: Loyal, Loud, Respectful(most of the time)

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Spencer Adducts:
Loyal, Loud, Respectful(most of the time)

Spencer Adducts: Loyal, Loud, Respectful(most of the time)

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Zack Chase:
Musical, Bubbly, Protective

Andrea Rodriguez:Athletic, Smart, Sassy

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Andrea Rodriguez:
Athletic, Smart, Sassy

Andreas pov:
"Great! Another day in school where one likes us." I sighed, walking to my locker with Alex. "At least we're seniors. We only have a few months left in this hell hole." Alex said as we opened our lockers that happen to be right next to each other. "Schedule." Alex commanded as we switched our schedules. "Yes! We have 1st, 3rd, lunch, 4th, 7th together!" I celebrated as we gave each other our schedules back. "Ugh. I have Mr. Dean. I hate him!" Alex groaned. "He's such a creep." I added, as we headed to our first period class, which is History. "Do you know where V is? I haven't seen her yet." Spencer asked, approaching us. "No, but she's probably already in class." Alex replied. "I checked. She's not there." Spencer replied, as Zack and Adam joined us. "How do you already know her first period?" I asked. "Hello? I texted her, duh." Spencer answered my question. "Who are we looking for?" Zack asked. "Spencer wants to know where V is." Amber answered Zack's question. "Oh, I saw her go into Ms. Matthew's office. She probably wanted to talk to her about her parents divorce, or something." Adam told us. "Oh yeah. Well, we've gotta go. See ya!" Amber and I waved goodbye as we headed into our first period class. "Hello class, I'm Mr. Oakley, and I can't wait to get to know all of you throughout this year!" Mr. Oakley greeted as the entire class collectively groaned, except for Alex and I, who were sitting there, in the back, cracking each other up. "Since today is your first day of the school year, I'll give you free time for the rest of the period, as long as you keep your voice level down." Mr. Oakley said as everyone cheered, and started talking to each other. "Did you hear that Ashley Stevens is pregnant?" Alex asked me. "No, who's is it?" I asked. "Well, I heard that it's Reece Stewart's, but there are other rumors going around that it's Cameron Miller's." Alex replied. "What?! Her step brother's?! Eww!" I exclaimed quietly. "I know, right?!" Alex responded. "Anyways, I heard that Lucas Benjamin is planning on asking Jayden Smith after school today, and it's supposed to be a huge gesture." I told Alex. "Oh my goodness, where's it going down?" Alex asked. Lucas Benjamin is Alex' ex-boyfriend. They dated for 5 months, until she caught him cheating on her with the schools slut, Alexa Forman. "I don't know, but we better talk about it at lunch, not now." I shrugged my shoulders. "Ok, but text me if you hear anything else about it, ok?" Alex asked me. "Sure. Also, guess what happened this morning!" I agreed. "What? Did your Dad beat you up again?" Alex asked, anger clear in her eyes. "No, he left." I sighed. "Oh, I'm so sorry Andrea. I'm here if you ever need anything, babe(as a term of endearment)." Alex sighed, hugging me.

Skip to lunch:
"Guys! Over here!" I heard Zack shout. "Hey guys! I'm so glad that we don't have to eat on the floor!" I said, sitting down next to V. "Hey, where were you this morning?" I asked V. "Oh, don't worry about it." V replied, avoiding the question. Adam and I exchanged worried looks. "Attention Student Body!! Today we welcome you back to school-"." Food fight!" Someone interrupted the Student Body President as they through a burger at him. Soon, the cafeteria was like a war zone, but, you know, with food, and not bullets and bombs. "WHO JUST THREW THAT AT ME?!" Alex screamed, as mashed potatoes slowly slid off her face. As another girl slowly raised her hand, Alex leaped at her. Slowly, the rest of our group slid underneath our table, as I crept towards Alex, and pulled her off of the girl, who now had a bloody nose, a busted lip, and a black eye forming. "Tell anyone, and I'll do worse." Alex threatened, still very angry. The girl just nodded in fear, and ran off.

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