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Ryan Rodriguez:Loves football, protective, and in military school

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Ryan Rodriguez:
Loves football, protective, and in military school.

Taylor Rodriguez: Smart, thoughtful, great mother to Andrea and Ryan

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Taylor Rodriguez:
Smart, thoughtful, great mother to Andrea and Ryan.

Taylor Rodriguez: Smart, thoughtful, great mother to Andrea and Ryan

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Alex and Abby's room at the Rodriguez's house:

Alex and Abby's room at the Rodriguez's house:

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Antonio's bedroom at the Rodriguez's house:

3 hours later:
"Wow, I'm... really sorry to hear that. Of coarse you can stay here!" my Mom told Abby and Alex after we explain to her and my brother what happened. "Thank you so much Mrs. Rodriguez. We are so grateful." Abby smiled. "It's my pleasure. Now the only issue is the sleeping arrangements. If your parents can't come home before your brother gets out, then someone will have to share a room." Mom thought out loud. "Ooh! Me and Alex could share one!" Amber cheered. "Wait what? I did not agree to this!" Alex backed away a little. "Oh come on Alex! They're nice enough to take us in on such short notice. The is the least we can do is make Mrs. Rodriguez's life a little tiny bit easier." Abby explained to Alex. "I guess that's true..." Alex mumbled to herself. "Alright, so why don't you two girls go on and head back to your house to pack your things, Ryan and Andrea, you two go and get the guest bedrooms ready for them." Mom told all of us. After Alex and Abby left, Ryan picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and ran upstairs. "Put me down!" I yelled, laughing as Ryan ran up the stairs. Soon, he grabbed my waist and quickly set me on a bed(not that way, get your mind out of the gutter). "So?" Ryan drifted off. "'So?' what?" I asked. "Sis, I haven't seen you since the day after I graduated. Update me on your life! How's school? Any boyfriends, crushes? New hobbies?" Ryan asked. "Good, no, you'll never know, and yes." I answered. "There is someone!" Ryan gasped, pretending to be hurt. "Tell me!" Ryan demanded playfully. "Never. Come on, we have to get these rooms ready for the Chambers'." I said, getting up and straightening up the bed. "You know what? I'm taking you to school tomorrow." Ryan told me, as we left the first guest room and went into the second.

        Finally, Alex and Abby came through the front door with one bag each. "Is there anything else?" Ryan asked. "Yeah, there's both of our school bags in the car." Alex explained. "I'll get them for you guys." Ryan told them, walking out the front door. "Come on, I'll show you guys to your room." I smiled. "Ok." they both nodded.

"Dude, this is awesome!" Alex smiled, dropping her suitcase, and climbing onto the top bed. "I call this one!" Alex shouted. "Fine, but don't come complaining to me when you fall off and die!" Abby laughed, lying down on the other bed. "Abby, did you give my mom Antonio's pills?" I asked. "No, not yet. I will in the morning. I'm too tired to do it now." Abby responded. "So I guess you don't wanna go swimming..." I teased. I know she loves to swim. "WHAT?! Let me get changed, then lead us to the pool!" Abby shouted jumping up, scaring Alex. "Jeez, someone's excited." Alex mumbled to herself. "RYAN!! WE'RE GOING SWIMMING!! WANNA JOIN??" I shouted. "SURE, GIVE ME A SECOND TO CHANGE!" Ryan shouted back. As I went into my room the change into my swimsuit, the fire alarm went off. Thinking it was just a drill, I walked into the kitchen to grab some scissors for a thread hanging off my shirt. I was greeted by a kitchen filled with smoke, letting some escape as I opened the kitchen door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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