Stay With Me

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After school:
     "I can't believe you didn't get in trouble!" I said to Alex. "I know! But, I did apologize to her, and helped the nurse clean her up." Alex told me as we approached our lockers. "That's good." I sighed, relieved. "What are you doing after school?" Alex asked. "Nothing much. My brothers in town, so my mom's taking us out to eat dinner, but that's it." I explained as I put my books in my locker. "Wanna come over? My parents are over seas." Alex asked as we got into her car. "Sure. I mean, it's not like my brother's ever there for me, so why should I be there for him." I shrugged. "I know, I'm sorry." Alex apologized as she started the engine. "Don't be. You did nothing wrong." I sighed, turning off my phone completely so I can't receive any calls or texts. "What about the rest of us?" I asked. "They're coming later. Wanna go vandalize something? I have gold, silver, red, and black spray paint in the back." Alex offered. "Sure. Where?" I agreed. "I think you know." Alex smirked. Oh no.

Two hours later:
As Alex went to tell her older brother that she was home, she screamed in horror. *triggering scene coming up*
He had hung himself. "Antonio! No! Please, God no." Alex cried, hitting his leg. "Alex what's all the commotio- Antonio. What the hell happened?!" Abby cried, as I dialed 911. "He's not breathing! I'm going to start CPR!" Alex yelled, crying her eyes out. "911, what's your emergency?" the receptionist asked, picking up the phone. "HE'S BREATHING!! HE'S BARELY BREATHING!" Abby cried. "He-Hello? My friends brother just committed suicide. We need an ambulance here stat, he's just barely breathing, though!" I yelled into the phone out of panic. "Ok ma'am, there's an ambulance on the way. Please stay on the phone with me, and keep updating me on his situation." the receptionist explained. "O-ok." I cried, the situation finally becoming real to me. "Is he still breathing?" the receptionist asked. "I-I I-I-I-I don't know. My friend's doing CPR." I answered. "Ok, the paramedics should be there soon. Tell your friend to keep doing CPR until they get there, and are able to take over. Now go unlock your front door so the paramedics can get in as soon as possible." the receptionist demanded. "Alex, keep doing CPR until the paramedics get here and take over!" I yelled, running to unlock the front door and pulling myself together.

      Soon, the paramedics burst through the door with equipment. As I held Alex and Abby, who were crying their eyes out, the paramedics put Antonio onto a stretcher, and rolled him out into the ambulance. As they closed the back doors and zoomed away with their sirens blaring, Abby, Alex, and I got into Alex' car, and followed them, with me driving because both of them are currently in an unstable mood.

    When we arrived at the hospital, the paramedics ran towards the ER, wheeling Antonio along side them. It took us a little while to get here because we live a few hours away from Los Angeles, in a place called Orange County.

*triggering scene over*
    "Antonio Chambers?" Dr. Stephen called out. The three of us stood up. "I have good news and bad news. The good news is that Antonio is fine, but we will need to keep him here over night. The bad news is that he can barely talk right now because the rope had almost completely closed his throat up, and it'll take around 5 weeks for his voice and throat to fully recover. If he doesn't recover in 5 weeks, he may never recover." Dr. Stephen told us. "Is there anything we could do to help ensure that he recovers?" Alex asked. "Well, his voice and throat needs to rest, so when he comes home, make sure that you don't do anything to make him shout or yell. And, he should be taking medicine for his vocal cords, along with anti-depressants each and everyday, two of each pill in the morning, and one of each pill at night. Make sure that he has eaten right before he takes his medicine. Make sure to keep an eye on him, because people who tend to attempt suicide do it multiple times. Also, I went ahead and scheduled an appointment for him to see a therapist Wednesday, next week, at 4:00 pm. The address is 15890, 54th street, Southeast, Los Angeles, 94361(I completely made that address up)." Dr. Stephen told us, handing me a business card for the therapist, and the medicine bottles to Abby, as Alex went to call her mom and dad. As my phone vibrated, I checked the caller ID. "Mom" is what it said.
(Phone conversation, M- Andrea's mom, A- Andrea)
A: Hey mom, what's up?
M: Where are you?! It's almost 7:00!
A: Shit! Sorry, I guess I lost track of time! Anyways, I'm at the hospital.
M: Why?! Did you get into another accident?!
A: No, this time it has to do with someone else's health, and not mine.
M: Alright, well Ryan and I are leaving now. We're going to be at Vivo 53. Meet us there, if it's possible.
A: Alright, bye Mom! Love you!
M: Bye! Love you too!
(End of the phone conversation)

"Mom and Dad are flying home as soon as possible, but they don't know when that'll be." Alex sniffed. "Just stay at my place then!" I offered. "Really?! You'd do that?!" Abby gasped. "Yeah, I mean, we have 5 bedrooms, and we only currently are using 3 of them." I explained. "Thank you!" Abby smiled.

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