Another Capture

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After practicing with the new beam skill that David had learned, and learning the hand of sol skill that his sister had taught him how to do, Nova made her way back to her apartment; leaving David alone with his mother.

"So, what next?!" David exclaimed excitedly. Cameron put her hand on her chin for a moment before she looked up at the top of the chamber. She then snapped her fingers at an idea.

"Let's get you some arc first." She said placing her hands on his shoulders. David looked up at his Mom as she began giving him some arc energy. David could feel the chill of the electricity surge through his body; it was bonding with him rather quickly as if it was meant to be with him in the first place. Cameron let go of her son after a minute to get a good look. David looked down at his hands and saw some sparks going out of his palms and forearms.

"Wow...what now?" He asked looking up at his mom.

"Well, I'm gonna teach you how to punch stuff like a Titan." She said slamming her fist into her other hand.

"I'm gonna learn how to punch stuff?" He questioned. "I kinda already know how to do that."

"Oh really?" She replied looking smug under the visor under her helmet. "Show me; I want you to hit me as hard as you can."

"You want me to hit you?" David questioned, unsure of what she was intending.

"You didn't mishear me; I want you to hit me as hard as you can." She replied with honesty. Cameron smirked at her son; she knew that he wouldn't be able to hurt her. She was a Titan, after all, she'd survived much more. Though she did sense that he was a little hesitant. "You alright?" She asked him.

"You taught me not to hit people, mom."

"David, you've destroyed a lot of those SIVA creatures earlier."

"That's different, they're not alive, and a part of me has second thoughts about all that, especially considering that they were Eliksni," David replied looking down at the floor, he seemed rather upset. Cameron walked over to her son and got on her knees putting her hands on his shoulders again.

"David, listen." She said comfortingly. She deactivated her helmet and let her hair flow out. "In our line of work, you need to choose quickly; your life is more important than the lives of anyone who you make come across out there. Sure you can be revived, but your own life is more important." She said looking up to him. David looked at his mother's eyes; they were blue somewhat like his own. They were comforting; he felt calm every time he looked at them ever since he was a baby. He knew that there was something to do the close relationship that he had with his Mom, but it felt deeper with that. David smiled a little bit and gave his Mom a hug.

"It's okay David." She said returning his hug. "It's okay."

David then let her go, and Cameron stood up. "I'm ready." He replied determinedly.

"Great, hit me square in the stomach." She said pointing towards her abdominal plating. David pulled his fist back then slammed it into his Mom's armor plating. Cameron didn't move, David pulled his hand back and looked at his arm.

"Ow." He said to her looking at his hand. "You didn't even budge." He said surprised looking up at her.

"Exactly, you can hit, but not punch." She said before a holographic unit appeared next to her. The object was solid. "Now, what you need to do is rather easy." She said looking at the dummy. Her fist started to glow with void energy as she pulled it back then sending it into the doll sending it flying. "All you need to do is infuse your fist with your light," She said with a new figure showing up. "Pull back, then..." She said doing the steps she was saying aloud. "Thrust!" She said crashing her arc infused fist into the dummy. "Now, you try," Cameron said gesturing to her son. 

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