Chapter Thirteen - Levy, Part Four (and a Little More Laxus)

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Chapter Thirteen - Levy, Part Four (and a Little More Laxus)

Master Makarov stared at the four of us, his eyes darting between our group and Levy, who was getting her guild stamp with Enno.

"Elle, you took Laxus and two five year olds to take down bandits!"

"Actually," Cana interrupted. "I'm six."

We turned to look at her. "We'll be talking about this later," I told her. "We don't just not celebrate your birthday, Cana."

I turned back to Makarov. "Yes, I did, and I wouldn't change a thing. Especially since Laxus and I alone were able to take down all of the bandits with only three attacks."

He paused and blinked. "Three attacks?"

I smirked. "Three attacks."

"How?" he asked.

"You already know we're pretty powerful, especially for our age," I told him. "Also, you know how strong Lost Magicks are."

His eyes widened. "I know Laxus has the lacrima, but I never knew you have Lost Magic, Elle."

I nodded. "I'm practicing Planetary Magic. So far, the only one I can use is Earth. However, sometime soon, within the next year or so, I was hoping that I could spend some time on Tenrou so I could learn Venus, Mars, and Neptune."

Wide-eyed, he just sort of nodded, said, "No more missions without adults until you're thirteen," and went back to the second floor.

"Listen up, brats!" he yelled, though still in a sort of shock. "Today is a special day in history. Today is the day when our children snuck off to another town, saved a kidnapped child, and took on an entire group of bandits, despite their age. Let's hear it for them, and for Fairy Tail; because we're number one!"

Everyone held up the L sign Laxus came up with, including me and Cana. Juvia and Levy looked at us confused and shrugged before doing the same.

Laxus was blushing. Damn tsundere.

I laughed and we all went to the training room, followed by Levy. She had read most of the book on Solid Script Magic on the way there, and was interested in testing it.

We spent the rest of the day meditating and training, as I watched Levy try Solid Script; Water, as a sort of dedication to Juvia, who managed to cut her binds with her water.

Afterwards, I walked Levy up to Fairy Hills with Cana and Juvia, and unloaded her things into her room, leaving the magical items in my requip space for another time.

"Get some rest," I told her. "And don't forget to eat. You can unpack everything tomorrow morning, alright."

She beamed. "Alright, Elle-chan. Thank you."

I smiled at her. "Goodnight, Levy."

That being done, I teleported home, exhausted, and collapsed into bed.

"What do you think?" Mavis asked.

"I think she's insane, and I don't like it," Makarov grumbled.

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