That Night

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Skyler laid in bed that night trying to figure out how this guy whose only known her for two days had figured out everything she had been hiding from everyone for the past year and a half. She felt the tears building up and the dark was setting in on her. She reached to her bedside table and instead of grabbing the blade she grabbed her phone, Nicky was right she couldnt break a promise.

how exactly did you know anything about me?

i pay a lot of attention to everything around me.. i take it you're feeling the darkness right now.

.. umm maybe how do you know about the dark? and what was my tell tale sign that pointed it out to you?

you always lay your hand on your thigh when someone gets close to you.. and i have a past as well.

oh okay

yeah but anyway tell me about your favorite things.

They sat up till 12 texting and then when Sky felt like she was going to fall asleep she called him and they continued talking till about 4.

As she fell a sleep, Nicky made the comment.. "You have nightmares dont you? Thats why you didnt wanna go to sleep?"

"Yes. i only ever get about 2 hours of sleep at most... but i look good dispite that." Skyler mubbled as she finially fell asleep.

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