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"You're done! Go home!" Coach Mike shouted.

"Finally. Those 150 fly kicks about killed me," Sarah gasped as she climbed out.

"I don't know what this 'about' business is about, it actually killed me," I groaned. My day has been hard from the moment I woke up this morning. First, my mom forgets to tell me that I need to walk to school, and wake up earlier, so I was late to school. Then, we got a quiz on material that I don't understand in geometry, my lunch was cut short by a fire drill, and I've got loads of homework tonight. Finally, swim practice rolled around, and it leaves me feeling like I really should've just stayed in bed today. Then, at least, my limbs wouldn't feel like blubber.

I stagger over to my bag, and root around for my hairbrush. But I can't find it.

"Hey, Sarah? Do you have my hairbrush?" I called over my shoulder, "It's not in my bag."

"No," she responded, "Did you remember to pack it?"

I'm too tired for ridiculous questions like that. "Yes, Sarah. I forgot to pack the one thing that stays in my swim bag all day, everyday." I shot at her sarcastically.

She holds her hands up in defeat. "Fine. Let's just go home, I'm sure you'll find it in a few days."

I sigh, then sling my bag over my shoulder. "Let's go."

-                                    -                                -

I opened my swim locker, and something pink fell out. I picked it up, frowning. Then I realized it was my hairbrush! I peered into my locker. There was also chocolate, flowers, and a note attached to the flowers. I grabbed it and read it.

Heard you were having a bad day yesterday. Figured this was the least I could do.

- Swimmer dude

P.S. I didn't sneak into the girl's locker rooms. A friend put it here for me.

I smiled easily. My heart felt lighter than it has in weeks. A complete stranger felt like going out of their way to make me feel better? That's what kindness is.

I turned over the card, and scribbled  Thank you on the back.

The next day, he responded with this, along with a page of quotes:

You really want to thank me, pass on the favor.

I pondered over this, then rushed home.

-                                 -                                    -

I stood back and admired my handiwork. I made colored notes, individually decorated with glitter, pom-poms, tape, and bits of tissue paper. Then, I went to school and swim early and posted them on every locker I could. Yeah, I ran out. But I'm going to put others on tomorrow when I make more tonight. They each say something like "You are one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos!" Or "Don't give up now, then you won't be given the satisfaction of being right!" Kinda stupid, I know. But hey. It'll make someone's day better.

With a smile on my face, I headed out of the school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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