Day 1

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May 25, 2017, 3:34 PM

Dear diary, I am sitting in Central Park watching people walk with their lovers, and kids play on the plaground. I walk home from school, and on the way home I decided to stop here. It's peaceful here. More peaceful than at my house. My parents aren't fighting right now, but the tension in the house is so strong that you can touch it. My brother Matt walks home with his friend Nathan, so I walk home alone. I decided to start writing a diary, so that if anything ever happened to me, people would know how I really felt about them. 

Since I haven't really done anything today, I decided to tell you about my day at school. I go to high school, and my first class is vocal music. I HATE this class! I decided to take it when I was in grade 8, and deeply regret taking it. I like the learning aspect of the class, but I hate the singing part. My voice is terrible compared to everybody else, and I wish I could have taken gym instead, because I was stupid and didn't take it, which was also a mistake. Anyway, when I got to school I walked to class with my friends (i'll introduce them to you later). When class started there were only a couple people, since most people were on a field trip. The music teacher (Mr. Titus) (like attack on titan)(how it's pronounced) told us that we could work on our solos. I'm doing my solo on a violin, which is a surprise, so I didn't want to practice. I watched YouTube with my friends in that class, until he told us that we had to go back to the main room. Since we didn't have anybody to play piano for us, we watched Back To The Future. Apparently there is musical parts in there, but I don't agree. I had already seen Back To The Future, so I made jokes about it with my friend. We made it like 20 minutes into the movie, but then we had to stop it because the period was over. My next class was BTT

BTT is a buisness technology course, which is literally the most useless course ever. We learn how to use Powerpoint, Word, Publisher, Excel, and that's about it. I like this course slightly more than Music because all my close friends are in this class. Today we just wrote notes for our new Internet unit. Because apparently there is a need to teach teenagers about the internet. Anyway, that was basically all we did. When that period was over it was break. We stayed in BTT because my friends weren't done their summative project. My friend Girkiran showed me a really cute video with a hamster eating little pancakes. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!

After the break I had geography. Our geography teacher is so creepy. He phrases stuff really weird and... you know what? I'll give you an example. Two kids in my class were talking about sex (like the gender) and he overheard them and said, "oh, you're talking about sex? That got me excited." Now. It's not like he's a young guy who would make it seem like he was joking. Oh no, he's like 57 and has a mullet. He is definetely the creepiest teacher at our school. We watched a video about some place in Columbia, that has escalators outside. I was like what? I want escalators outside! They used them so that poorer people could commute to work to places up the mountain. They also had really long ski gondalas that worked basically like a subway. It was used to get people from one side of the city to the other. 

That's all for now because I have to get home. Bye...

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