Day 2

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Dear Diary, 

 I am writing this from my bedroom,  since it was raining, and I didn't feel like sitting in the rain. My parents are downstairs arguing with my brother about his many girlfriends. I agree with them. My brother has like 3 girlfriends right now, which is ridiculous, because the last time he did this they found out and got really mad at him. I'm so sick of my parents fighting with my brother. I'm not complaining really though, since i don't want them yelling at me. I was trying to do my homework, but with the constant arguing and cursing, it doesn't leave me with much quiet to write essay's for english.

Our teachers seem to think that since summer is coming, and kids are happy, they have to make us miserable by giving us so much homework that we can barely survive. Plus, all of them seem to conspire together and plan when they should start units. That break in-between units is bliss though, since they can't assign any homework, because they haven't taught us anything.

Enough about homework, since thats all I can think about these days. My parents are going out to dinner with friends, and my brother is going out on a date with one of his girlfriends, so I guess that leaves me home alone. Just me and the dog. Usually when I'm home alone I make dinner, and watch TV. But tonight I think I might make dinner, and take Clifford (my dog) for a walk. 

After dinner:

Hey, some I just finished dinner, and am going to take Clifford for a walk. He loves walks, and the only reason I don't do this more often is because i'm lazy. 


I decided to walk over to Central Park to sit on my favourite bench. There are several kids playing on the playground, but overall it's pretty quiet. Almost too quiet.

Dear reader. From now on this will not only be written by Julia, but also by a narrator, telling you what is going on.


So, as I was saying, it was almost too quiet, considering that this was one of the best known parks in the United States. While I was contemplating this, I heard gunshots, but I couldn't tell from where. I pulled Clifford off the bench, and ran out of the park, and home as fast as I could. I saw several police cars pass me, but nobody asked me any questions, they didn't even know I was there. I decided that I would go to the police station later, and tell them that I was a witness, but that I left when the shooting happened.

I walked to the police station, and asked the police officer to speak to a detective. She made a phone call, and told me how to get to the officers desk. I sat down in the detectives office, and she asked me if I had information pertinent to a case, or if I was repoting something. I told her that I had information relating to a case, and she told me to tell her. I told her that I was at the park when the shooting happened, but that I ran from there as fast as I could, because I couldn't tell where the shots were coming from.

She told me that other police officers will have to question me as to what i saw.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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