Chapter 11

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A/N: I chose this picture because it is creative as fuck! Good job to the artists how take their time to draw this! Anyways, I've never heard of something called Stockholm Syndrome until now... It seems deep! Damn! Anyways enough of me and onto the story!


(Masky's P.O.V)

'Silencer was in the infirmary again! I can't this anymore! Slender needs to get rid of Nina or I will!' I went up to Slender's office and knocked on the door. "Come in child" I walked in and glared at Slender. "This is the second time Slender!" "Masky, I know" "SO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! YOU SAID YOU WERE AND LOOK YOUR NOT GETTING RID OF HER! SHE COULD HURT SOMEONE ELSE NEXT!" Slender nodded his head "Masky, I understand your upset but please calm down... I understand what Nina did was not right, But please sit and relax" I sat in the chair and glared at Slender. I stood up and stormed out of his office without saying another word.

Q/A/N (Quick Author's Note): I know there are some people out there who love Nina the killer but that's their opinion, Honestly, to me, Nina seems like a whinny bitch! But that's my opinion people have different opinions about many things. So don't get pissed at me please!

I walked into Silencer's room to see her in her Navy blue roses, themed bed asleep. I smiled and laid next to her, She shifted and yawned a bit before falling back asleep. I smiled and watched her sleep. I pulled her into my chest and started to drift off into a deep sleep.

(Reader's P.O.V)

Sally wanted me to play with her again... I don't mind playing with Sally its just sometimes I want me time. E.J walked up to me and hugged me "Hi E.J" "Hey (Y/n)?" "Yes E.J?" "I was wondering if tonight we can go on that date since last time we couldn't?" I nodded my head slowly "Sure why not?" He nodded and noticed me staring at Silencer's bedroom door. "Your worried about her aren't you?" I nodded "I'm just worried Nina will come back... And Silencer won't tell us what Nina did to her" E.J nodded "She will soon... Just let her have the comfort of being home again" I nodded "What if Nina does come back?" "I'm sure she won't go after Silencer" I nodded.

~Time skip brought to you by Jeff's special knife~

It was time for me to get ready for my date with E.J. I put on my favorite (F/c) (Favorite Color) dress and some flats to match the dress. I straightened my (H/l) (Hair Length) (H/c) (Hair Color) and put on a light coat of makeup and went to meet E.J in front of the mansion.  

E.J walked out in his human form. He wore his usual clothing, his skin was pale no longer grey, he had normal teeth instead of teeth that resembled shark's, He had big, dreamy, blue eyes, and his hair was still that wild chocolate brown. (I would never describe a guy like this unless they actually are dreamy! XD) 

He stared at me for a few moments before linking my arm with his. We walked through the forest and onto the highway road. We walked into town which wasn't that long of a walk probably 5 to 10 minutes to get there. We walked in silence but there was no tension between us it was a peaceful silence. We walked into a restaurant, many people were looking at Jack and me. "Woah! She's a cutie" I head a group of boys say, I rolled my eyes and sat across from Jack at our booth. As another group but of girls spoke "And look at the boy~" Jack sighed and stared at me.

A few minutes passed and an older lady who looked to be in her 50's walked up to our booth and smiled. "Why aren't you two an adorable couple?" I looked away and blushed. I heard her laugh "Here are your menu's, I'll be back to take your orders" I nodded my head and looked at Jack he smiled and laughed. "Your adorable when your embarrassed" I shrugged and looked at the menu "Jack?" "Yes (Y/n)?" "Do you think Alex is okay?" He looked at me and sighed "Honestly, I don't think so" "Huh?" "Well... Alex seemed like she was going to get worse and at the last minute she got well rather quickly?" I looked at Jack "How is that strange?" He sighed "Its strange because I've never seen that happen to anyone before" 

The older lady came back and smiled "I couldn't help but overhear your worried about a friend" I nodded "She is not feeling so well these past few days" The lady nodded "Would you two like to order now?" Jack and I nodded. "You two are the most adorable couple ever, Now you sweet pea. What would you like to drink?" She turned to face me "Uh... (F/d)" (Favorite Drink) She nodded and wrote it down in her notepad. "And you prince charming?" "Water... And please don't call me that" She nodded "I'll be back with your drinks soon" We nodded as she walked off.

When she returned she put the drinks on the table and looked at me "Your order dear?" "Um... (F/f)" (Favorite Food) She nodded and wrote it down. "And you?" "Uh... A hamburger I guess" She nodded, wrote it down, and walked off. I leaned over the table to whisper to E.J. "E.J? Aren't you going to get hungry?" He nodded "But that's what hunting's for" He cupped my cheek and kissed me. 'WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! E.J IS KISSING ME!' Before I knew it I was kissing him back. When we pulled away, my (S/c) (Skin Color) skin was as red as a cherry. E.J smiled and stared at me.

~Time skip brought to you by Lazy author! (I'm literally lazy 24/7)~

E.J and I just left the restaurant and started to head back to the mansion. I looked at E.J and laughed bit "What's so funny (Y/n)?" "I just never knew you could be so romantic" He laughed and picked me up bridal style. "E.J!" He continued to walk through the forest and look at me.  

A/N: This took me all day! Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! And as always! BAIIIIII! :3

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