Chapter Eighteen

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"Anyways, I came here because... Well, actually, it's a long story. In the past, and I mean the way past, we lived happily by the old forest that the Clans used to live in. We were always lurking in the shadows. The mountain cats settled here and formed groups called Clans, and us, the mythical creatures, watched them hunt and fight over useless 'territory' in scorn. Soon after the battle was resolved, the cats split up into groups. A few seasons after they settled down, the Clan cats found out we were living here, and since our numbers were few at the time, the cats of ThunderClan drove us out and exiled us from the forest. This story must've been forgotten down Clan history lane. Anyways, we've been tracking down and following ThunderClan all this time, but you shallow bird brains have never noticed us. As time passed, the number of mythical creatures increased drastically. That's why we have come to a conclusion. We, the mythical creatures, must get revenge on ThunderClan."

The rage seemed to clear in this mythical creature's eyes, and he blinked a couple times, but the only thing he said, was, "by the way, I'm what's called a dragon," then he flew back into the cave,

Before he disappeared completely in the yawning tunnel, he stopped, "you will have a moon to train yourselves and prepare. On the first sunrise of the next moon, your whole Clan must be in this cave at moonhigh sharp. You will fight different mythical creatures, with added difficulty each time. If your whole Clan is not in the cave by moonhigh, the mythical creatures, fire breathing phoenixes, long, sharp taloned griffins, and more will come, but if you don't meet us I'm the cave by moonhigh, the troops of mythical creatures will track you down, and murder you each one by one. So, make the right decision, or else ThunderClan will go to dust."

The 'dragon' flew deeper inside the cave, disappearing from the cats' sights. The multicolored wavepool tide of warriors, apprentices, kits, elders and more, bustled and hustled around, weaving pelts amongst friends and family, some sharing tongues, and some chitter-chattering about the mythical creatures.

I caught snippets of other cats' conversations,

"So, what do you think phoenixes look like?" Cloudtail asked, sniffing in disdain,
"I-dunno, the dragon said something about a fire breathing bird?" Graystripe rasped,

I also heard a tiny snippet of Bramblestar's conversation with his trusty deputy, Squirrelflight.

"So do you think we'll actually have to fight?" Squirrelflight asked, licking Bramblestar's ear,

"I'm sure we will have to. We have to get started on training as soon as possible!" Bramblestar replied,

I weaved my way across the sea of cats, and found Hollytuft and Dewnose, backs hunched and pressed together to keep out the cold.

They were meowing and having a conversation with Sorreltail and Blossomfall, senior warriors as of now.

"I knew I heard something rustling among the trees that other day... It must've been a mythical creature." Blossomfall raised her voice,
"See Toadstep, I'm not crazy! Remember when we were taking a walk in the forest a few sunrises ago? When I thought I heard someone watching us? It must've been a mythical creature!"

To be honest, I didn't really feel like talking, even with good friends like Sparkpaw, Blossomfall and Fernsong.

I saw Bramblestar leave the crowd of cats, stalking away into the forest area. Oh yeah. The forest area. The zero gravity zone. I had pretty much stayed away from that area, because it had surprised me countless times. I needed to stop Bramblestar from embarrassing himself in front of so many cats, unless they weren't watching.

I ran over to Bramblestar's dark tabby pelt in massive strides, my muscles rippling and my eyes gleaming. "Bramblestar," I whisper shouted,

"Don't go there,"

Bramblestar halted in his tracks, staring at me like I had grown an extra head.

I carefully made my way in front of him, where the zero gravity zone began. I hopped, my pelt brushing the dense trees' leaves. Bramblestar gazed at me in shock as I bounced up and down, up and down.

By now, most of the cats in the clearing had swiveled their heads and eyes over, burning hot on Bramblestar and I's pelts. I say Graystripe whisper something to Millie, who was wide eyed in shock.

Squirrelflight had her tail curled around Sparkpaw, looking confused as ever.
Jayfeather was next to her, blind eyes the clearest blue. He looked bored, flicking his tail tip almost every other heartbeat.

Bramblestar tentatively stretched out a paw on the weird forest ground, letting out a weird throaty noise in surprise as he felt the change in gravity. He started walking, or in other words, leaping across the forest.

Four of the kits, Twigkit, Larkkit, Honeykit and Leafkit, darted out from under Lilyheart's tail. She gasped and yowled for them to return. Hollytuft ran out and grabbed Twigkit before he could get to the altered gravity place, Bramblestar seized Honeykit and Larkkit, and I opened my jaws and clamped them down on Leafkit's scruff, bringing her back to her mother, who curled them around her protectively.

Bramblestar finished bouncing around and landed neatly on his paws. He whispered in my ear, "Aquapaw, do you know why the gravity has suddenly changed by the forest?"

I shook my head, "I was shocked when I first set foot there." I responded,

Bramblestar flicked his tail beckoning all cats to look at him. He padded up onto the small ledge.

"We shall not give up hope! We will defeat the mythical creatures and return to our home in ThunderClan. One of the best things I get to do as leader, is perform the ceremony that lets a kit become an apprentice-"

Bramblestar was cut off by Lilyheart's panicked shriek, "Bramblestar! You gave us no warning! My kits are a mess!" She grasped Twigkit and frantically started licking the excited kit. Twigkit pulled free and ran to the small ledge with his foster siblings.

"Twigkit, Leafkit, Larkkit, Honeykit and Leafkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior names, you will be known as Twigpaw, Leafpaw, Larkpaw, Honeypaw and Leafpaw. Twigpaw, your mentor will be Cloudtail." Bramblestar blinked, and I thought I saw a flash of sadness in his eyes, "Larkpaw, your mentor will be Blossomfall, Honeypaw, your mentor will be Thornclaw, and finally, Leafkit's mentor will be... Aquapaw!"

What!? This must be a mistake! I'm an apprentice!

"Aquapaw? But she's an apprentice! How can she be a mentor?!"
A cat yowled. Several other cats joined in.

"Bumblestripe tells me that Aquapaw has learned all her battle moves, and hunts exceptionally well. As a ThunderClan tradition, I will not give Aquapaw her warrior name until we get back to camp."

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