03 | Talks With Lily Evans

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DELILAH DRAGGED HERSELF to the Great Hall the next morning, body heavy with exhaustion, and slumped into her seat at the Gryffindor table with a thump. She let out a yawn and buried her head in her arms next to her plate, too sleep deprived to even think about lifting food to her mouth.

Usually Delilah was awake before the sun rose, bundling up and sneaking to the Black Lake to watch the pinks and reds creep over the night-blackened sky. But the last few nights she had barely gotten any sleep. She had been spending more and more time in the library back home with Clarence, for they could never really be themselves when they were with the rest of their siblings. Clarence was the only family member that understood her and Delilah the same for Clarence, and so the only time they could spend together was during the dark hours of the night, when the rest of the household rested in quiet slumber.

"Oh, stop being so dramatic," Lily scolded, nudging Delilah in the side with her elbow. "We have classes today and you need to eat a good breakfast."

"What does eating a good breakfast have to do with classes?" Delilah asked, voice muffled from beneath her folded arms.

"It helps you think better," Lily answered, grabbing bits of food and piling it onto her plate. "And it's good for you to have a healthy meal in the morning."

"Whatever mum," Delilah muttered. "Oh, wait," she added resentfully, "my mum doesn't love me."

Marlene snorted from across the table.

She lifted her head and rubbed tiredly at her eyes, relishing in the moment of quiet at the usually rowdy table. It was ruined a second later when a boisterous group of boys waltzed into the Great Hall and made their way in the girls' direction.

"Oh, Merlin," Lily breathed, putting her head in her hands as if she could shield herself from sight. "Please tell me they're going to sit somewhere far far away?"

Marlene glanced toward the boys to see James Potter settle his eyes onto Lily, his lips curling into a brilliant white grin. "Nope," she said, mouth twitching up into a smirk. "They're most definitely coming over here."

Lily groaned and Delilah couldn't blame her. The marauders were some of the most popular boys at Hogwarts, known for their notorious pranks and strikingly good looks, but they could be really annoying when they wanted to be.

And of course these particular boys had something against the group of girls, for they were always finding ways to nose themselves into their lives.

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