04 | Palm Reading and Prophecies

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TWO DAYS LATER Delilah was back to herself again. She woke up early with Aurora and the two went down to the Great Hall for breakfast as usual. They chatted peacefully amongst themselves while they ate, and then went to first classes after the rest of their friends joined them.

Delilah had met Aurora on the train ride to Hogwarts during first year. She had been sitting in the corner of the compartment Delilah had entered, her eyes scanning over a section of the Daily Prophet. Her straight brown hair had been pulled back with a clip, half-up half-down, and was much lighter than the Ostrander brown Delilah had been used to seeing. And Aurora's eyes weren't bright green or blue, but a calm orangey-brown that stood out against her locks.

Delilah had been so excited to meet a muggle, someone who had never used magic before even to do the dishes, that she had probably almost scared the poor girl off with all her questions and straight-forwardness. But apparently Aurora had liked her just as much as Delilah had liked her, for they had stuck together ever since.

Aurora was the shy one of their friend group, always going silent when the other girls talked to strangers and always talking in her soft, elegant tones. She enjoyed painting and anything that had to do with art, and she was really good at it. Delilah liked her a lot.

Now the five girls were walking down the corridors to Divination, a class both Delilah and Marlene deeply despised.

"My whole day is ruined," Delilah muttered as they meandered through the halls.

"Oh, stop being such a drama queen, Delilah," Lily scolded. "Let's just enjoy class for once."

"Enjoy class?" Delilah demanded, face one of indignation.

"You did not just say that, Lily," said Marlene, eyes wide. "Enjoy class?" She scoffed.

"It's not really that bad," Aurora said to then. "Divination."

"Oh, yes it is," Delilah replied.

"Why do you hate it so much?" asked Dorcas, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Just the whole thought of it," Delilah said. "The spirit world and palm-reading and communing with the dead." She shuddered. "Weird and utter rubbish, I think. And don't even get me started on Professor Kimberly." She rolled her eyes. "She is a complete nutter and should be locked in an asylum--"

"Delilah," Lily and Dorcas scolded in unison. Lily said, "You can't talk about a professor like that."

"It's disrespectful," Aurora agreed as they approached the trap door that would take them to the Divination classroom. Lily grabbed it and pulled down the ladder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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