Chapter 3

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Lafayette's P.O.V

Hercules had turned and gone to his dorm as me and Hamilton continued walking in an awkward silence well this is what I get for trying to kiss him I chuckle at the thought "Is something wrong" Hamilton asks "Oh no not at all" I lie to him I have to admit that he is fairly cute and I wouldn't mind if we hadn't been interrupted earlier I am pulled out of my thoughts by Hamilton asking, "were you about to kiss me earlier when we were on the couch?" I turn to look at him, he was looking down and even though it was dark I could see the blush that consumed his face, I chuckle and decide not to answer instead I say "your room is in that building," he had given me his room number earlier and he had given me and the other guys his number. "Thanks for walking me," Hamilton smiles as I return it "No problem if you need anything ask me" I say putting stress on the word 'anything' as I smirk, I notice him blushing as he walks away and just when he is almost gone I suddenly grab his arm and pull him into a tight embrace.

Hamilton P.O.V

"Anything" I hear Lafayette whisper repeatedly in my ear as he hugs me. What is wrong with him I think to myself and suddenly I smell it alcohol when did he get that? I sigh and hug him back feeling a bulge in his pocket to big to be a phone I conclude that it must be a flask. I let go of him "Alright, well I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask him and he nods "Goodnight my dearest, Alexander~" He says in his thick french accent, I must look like a tomato I think to myself as I feel my cheeks burn up. Suddenly, Lafayette starts skipping away like a little school girl.

I continue walking back to my dorm until I get to the building and start looking around for my room. I was still new here and I had been to my room yesterday once before the bar, and unfortunately my roommate wasn't home. I eventually find the room and I use my key to open the door, "Aaron Burr, Sir!" I say shocked as I see his familiar face on one of the two beds reading a book! He looks at me and takes a deep breath and sighs shit why am I stuck with him I sigh and look at my bed, all my stuff was still packed and I decided to start unpacking so I could go to bed. After about ten minutes I notice Aaron gets up and grabs his towel and other hygiene products and heads into the bathroom attached to our dorm, I have to admit this is still a nice dorm for being one of the cheapest ones available I think as he closes the door. After a while I finish unpacking and just lay on my bed with my laptop and start typing away onto my tumblr blog, I follow Lauren's, Hercules, and Lafayette and within minutes they had followed me back. Just as I start scrolling through the endless pages of different fandoms, Aaron comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, I look up from the screen and blush at his physique I was quite honestly speechless I didn't think he would look like that I find myself staring at him and he glances over at me as he makes his way towards his dresser "I haven't heard a word out of you all night, did you take my advice and decide to talk less?" He asks with a grin. "Oh shut up I could write fifty one essays on why I should talk more." I shoot back "To bad no one would care enough to read them, you tomato" I hear him mutter the last part and realize I must be blushing like crazy and can't think of anything to come back with before he closes the bathroom door again to go change. I'm so stupid I sigh as I start madly typing away.

Aaron's P.O.V

Was he blushing at me? I ask myself as I pull a tank top on along with some boxers and sweatpants. It's not important, like I would ever even consider a bastard like him. I sigh as I shave off a few stray hairs below my lip. Sens I met him at that bar we haven't agreed on a single thing! I convince myself that he is a waste of time, I finish brushing my teeth and I realize I had been in that stupid bathroom for almost forty minutes, Great I wasted all that time! I chuckle knowing I had nothing better to do with that time, I open the bathroom door to find Hamilton sleeping on his laptop. I roll my eyes as i carefully lift him so he is sleeping on his pillow instead, I close his laptop and put it on the ground then pull the blanket up to his neck. He desperately grabs the blanket and holds it close to him like a kid as he sleeps, how cute, I think, I quickly shake away the thought and lay down so I can try and get some sleep.

Hamilton Harem (Discontinued, Please Dont Try To Remake Or Countinue It) Where stories live. Discover now