I was tagged (and should of probably started writing a chapter instead of this)

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Ok so I was tagged by AnimaticalLucinda
Go check out their stuff because they are way more talented then me.

Also I have never been tagged so lets just jump into the questions!

What song is stuck in my head?
Currently I cannot get 'Two Player Game' from Be More Chill out of my head. (Go check out the song)

Biggest Fear?
Not being in control because... yeah

Screan Saver?

Yeah I am cringe

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Yeah I am cringe

Whats my OTP at the moment?
Ummm I like Jamilams I guess

How many drafts do I have on WattPad?
Way to many...

Hair color?
I had it dyed purple but its faded to a brownish pink.

Recent obsession?
Drawing I get in and out of, but right now I am into it! (Ask me if you want to see my Drawings *wink wink nudge nudge)

Prized possession?
I honestly can't think of one

Ear bud color?
White and broken

I dont have any pets

I am done and I am not gonna tag anyone because I dont wanna.
(Thug life chose me.)

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