the baseball game

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A couple weeks after the fight

Chance's POV: 

It's been a couple of weeks since the fight and Tessa and I told everybody that we liked eachother, but I have not asked her to be my girlfriend yet but i'm planning to do that tonight, Me and Ivan have become best friends and we love hanging out, and Emilio and I have made up but I still don't trust him because he gives me dirty looks everytime i'm even close to Tessa but I just brush it off I think everybody noticed that Ivan has been distent from his brother Emilio and I think it's because he is still mad at him from the fight. But i'm not worried about that because i am asking the girl of my dreams to be my girlfriend, I talked to Erika and Tony and they siad make a big deal and set up flowers and everything, It is going to be awesome. Everyone will be there and it will be perfect lets just hope she says yes. 

2 hours later

everything is all set up and i'm about to get ready I put on a white button down shirt some black jeans and some white yeezeys and i'm ready. 

1 hour later

Tessa walked in and saw the rose pedels leading to the back yard everybody was standing watching, the lights where dim and it was perfect, she comes outside and she see's me sitting and runs over and hugs me tight It feels like the world around us stops and I hug her back, out if the corner of my eye I see Emilio and he is giving me a death stare but right now I don't care because i'm about to ask the big question. 

"Hey Tessa you look nice" I said with a bright smile

"hey you look great and this place looks amazing, thank you" she said

"Oh it was not just me" and I wink at Jake, Tony, Tristion, Nik, Ericka and Ivan 

"Oh thanks Guys" she said

"yourwelcome" they all said in unision 

"So tessa, Would you like to be my girlfriend" I said scaredly awaiting an anser

Tessa's POV:


"Oh my god of corse" I said with a smile from ear to ear and grabbed his face and kissed him when we pulled back we had a smile from ear to ear

"SHE SAID YES!!!" he yelled jokingly, but out of the corner of my eye I saw emilio run out and go upstairs 

we got hugs from everybody then went to bed, I had a wounderful night thinking and dreaming about how chance was mine and I was his and I loved him I was so happy and I just know he is just as happy and with that thought I drifted off into a light sleep. 


"WAKE UP EVERYBODY IT'S TOME TO GO!!! WE HAVE THINGS TO DO!!" Jake screamed at the top of his lungs. 

I walked out of my room just exited to see chance again, as I walked down I saw chance and all I could do was hug him 

"What was that for?" he asked

"Oh just for being the best Boyfriend a person could ever ask for" I said 

Boyfriend  it felt right

"Oh thanks T Your the best" he said and gave me a quick peck on the lips 

"UGHHHHH GET A ROOM" Tony yelled jokeingly 

"but it's nice to see you guys happy" he said a little more serious 

"thanks" chance said

"do you guys want to go play baseball for the vlog today it will be really lit" Jake said

"I would love to" Chance said 

"If Chance is going I guess I will go to" I said jokeingly  everybody else agreed to go even Emilio

Emilio's POV (Last night): 

When he asked her to be his girlfriend my heart broke into a million pieces, I knew he was going to ask her but hearing the words come out of his mouth really hurt me and what broke me was her saying yes right when she kissed him I just ran and tried not to punch him because I knew if i did I would be kicked out of the house in  a secound and I don't know if Ivan would follow me and I can't loose my brother he's the only reson I am still at that house. 

(The next morning)

I was having a okay morning untill everything from last night hit me like a wreaking ball, him asking her and her saying yes, I was not happy in fact I was mad I don't think that Chance is a bad guy but I just think that him and tessa where supposed to be together. I went down stairs and found that they were all going to play baseball so I decieded to go because I just want to get my mind off things and go play a friendly game of baseball with the squad so I agreed to go.

Chance's POV: 

When we got to the field we had to change up the rules because we did not have a baseball so we brought a volleyball and our bat was very heavy, to heavy for baseball, so  how we played was: we got up to bat and got a pitch and had half of us is in the field and when you hit the volley ball you would try to run the bases but if they picked up the ball and threw it at you and if it hit you you got an out 3 outs and you switch sides and everytime someone makes it back to home base it was a point and the first to 10 points would win and we changed the name to monster ball. 

On my team it was: Me Triston, Tessa Ivan, Ray and Kade and on there team it was Jake, tony, emilio, justin (the new kid) Billy( the guy who was visiting  ) and jakes dad. he was pretty savage so I was nervouse and all of Ohio was on that team and Ohio is always the best. So first up to bat was Triston so he it it and ran and we all went and had a good time. after about an hour of playing it was Tessa's tern and she hit it and got a home run and I went to high five her but instead she hugs me and I hug back but I see Emilio shaking his head and just looking so jelous. But on kades tern he got a strike and had to swich sides. 

Emilio's POV: 

When Tessa got that home run and they hugged that really set me off I could not take it, I had to do something because It was always only me and Tessa and It always will be so when I got up to bat the ball was flying towerds me and I hit the ball but also let go of the bat and it was heading straight for Chance and he was my target, it was flying towerd him and it all hapend so fast and he had no time to move and it hit him smack dab in the side of the head, and he fully blacked out and started to walk away I was about to call an uber when I got stopped by Ivan

"why did you do that" he said sounding more mad then ever 

"Because they both know that i love Tessa and they still flirt right in front of me and i am just done with it" I said sounding a annoyed 

"He could be dead his ears are bleeding and I took a year of medichal school before we came out to CA and bleeding ears is a really bad sign you could have killed one of my best friends" he said and I felt so mad that my own brother betreyed me and made that aweful skumbag his bestfriend. So I walked back over and faked pass out to see if anyone noticed and nobody did and thats how I knew that they were not my friends and I am going to do everything I can to make them feel my pain.

Tessa's POV:

Monster ball was going great untill it was emilios turn to bat and I knew somthing was off and when the bat went flying and hit Chance in the head and he fell to the ground and I knew it was bad. Why was emilio being such a brat I never liked him and I did not even know he liked me and i'm so happy with chance why now does he tell me he liked me why did emilio do this to me. 

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