missing you

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Chances POV:

it's been a week since I have been gone and we are about to start shooting the show. I feel good about the show, I think it will be really good, we have gone over whats going to happen and I think that it will be very sucssesful and fun. But I have been missing them very much, everyday I think about my amazing adventures in team ten and how much I love them, espesaily tess. and Tony has uploaded his first youtube video and it seems to be doing well, It was just explaining what happened to me and why I won't be in any videos anymore but he said that he still won't change the name. I really miss them and it's only been a week, we have only texted because I have been very busy but we are going to face time tonight and I will get to see there faces for the first time since I left. But till them I have to get on my way to my first detination on my show which is Texes where I am going to be trying to hitch hike to Mexico (I know thats from Logan Paul VS) I have been in Cali for the last week but I have been hours away from team ten so even though I was still in Cali I was to far to stay at the house, While I was sitting waiting for my plane at the air port I got a text from Tessa

(Text convo)

T- Hey Chance, I miss you so much

C- I miss you to Tess

T-where are you?

C-at the airport, about to fly to texas

t-Okay, well I got to go to dance but have fun

C-umm... alright bye xx


Chances POV:

I knew she did not have dance, because she said that she was going to take the 2 weeks I was gone off, I knew somthing was up

Tessa's POV:

I did not have dance but he is leaving the state and that made me really sad and I just could not text anymore, I already miss him so much and it's been quiet and empty here, like we just can't have any fun without him:( But he is happy so we all have to just deal with it and we were going to facetime tonight.

4 hours later

It was time to face time chance so I got all of team ten and we all gathered around the kitchen counter and called him and he answered
(Phone convo)
Tessa: hey chance
Chance: hey guys what's up
Jake: oh really nothing we are really board with out you here and we miss you
Tessa: I think I miss you the most
Chance: I miss you all so much

3 days later

His show is out and we are all about to watch it, I'm exited to see it and see how happy he is. We start watching the show and he looks so cute and his smile is just so perfect and seeing him smile makes the whole world brighter at least my whole world. When his show is finished we all just sit there, it was so good and I really want the next episode to come out as soon as possible

1 years later
It has been a year since we have seen chance and we all miss him and he said they expanded his season for a year and a half so we face time at least once a week and I watch his show every Wednesday when it comes out and it looks like a lot of fun

Chances POV:
They think my season got expanded but what is really going to happen is I'm going home to surprise them tonight, I can't wait but I'm a little nervous I am just a couple mins from the house and I am about to go surprise them inside. When we pull in to the drive way I get all the memories back in my head and I just exploded with excitement and I'm ready to go inside and I walk in and yell
"Who Missed me..."

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