The Trip and even more conflict chap 3

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Sam p.o.v.

"So, do you understand now Luceil?"

"Wait why does Shaun want me to stay away from him?"

"Okay don't take this personal because I think your perfect the way you are but I quote 'I couldn't care less about him. His just a player that talks to people so he can get laid.' And he also said, 'ugh fine but just remember that you're the one who said the I don't have to interact with him so you can't force me to do anything with him or else I'll leave' I don't see why he hates you so much I think he's just acting stupid"

"Ugh, is it because I try and talk to Brian so now he is mad at me because he thinks I'm trying to take Brian from him? Speaking of which......what is their relationship? They seem more than friends Sam."

"Well as far as I know they are just friends as of now but I do know that one of them like the other but I can't tell which one it is" Luceil starts to whine.

"Why?!" I screamed at him. I'm might like him but I'm not going to disown a friend just because he likes one of them but if he does then maybe I can help him get with them......

"Ugh fine but I swear if you tell anyone you will be dead to me"

"YES SIR!" I said with a salute

"Ugh I like Brian........."

"Shit this is bad......" I said in a hush voice but apparently, I wasn't quite enough.

"What is bad about me liking Brian. Please don't tell me she is already dating someone"

"Okay first off Brian is a HE and you need to remember that. Second is he isn't in a relationship.

Third it is bad because Brian likes Shaun" I said with a nervous smile


"You can't tell Shaun or let Brian know that he likes Shaun or else I'll kill you then Brian will kill me for telling you about it"

"Okay I won't"

*Time skip to after school*

(still Sam's p.o.v.)

"Oh, hey Nathan. We got guest!" I tried to say as innocent as possible so he will let us go camping.

"Why wasn't I informed of this" he said with a smile but a stern voice

"We are going to walk in the forest" Olli said

"WHAT! Ugh Sam, Ava why are you letting her make all these crazy plans for?"

"Well it's not like she will listen to me either way plus I want to go" Ava said with a bored expression

"Fine y'all can go but I'm going with"

"Ugh fine. Come on guys let's get going so we can get there before the sun is down" I screamed and everyone

"Wait is Jane going?" Nathan said in a hopeful voice

"No I begged her but she said that she doesn't like the outdoors and she has too much catching up on her fan pages" I told him trying not to get irritated with him since all he ask me about is how Jane is doing even though he know that she doesn't want anything to do with him but that doesn't stop a guy from trying.

"Oh, okay then" everyone just stood around us awkwardly. Well I guess they all know that my big bro has a crush on one of my best friends. Oh well.

"Okay now that that's over with let's get a move on!"

We started to walk into the forest that is behind my house.

*time skip into almost to the clearing*

"Ugh damn Sam why didn't you tell me that it was going to be this far" Shaun said complaining

"Are you serous dude this isn't that far I have run farther than this" Luceil said

"Was I talking to you, dumbass, because I believe I was asking Sam and not asking you how much you run" Shaun said to Luceil coldly

"Aw come on guys you were so good until now. Look we are almost there, okay? So, can you two stop your bickering" Sam said and you could clearly hear that ice in her voice on the last sentence



Brian was awkwardly trying to get closer to Shaun without anyone noticing but Luceil noticed and that was why he started bragging so he could impress Brian but it didn't seem to get him any luck because all it got it was an irritated look from the shorty and a pissed Shaun and Sam.

In the very back was Olli and Ava were whispering about who in the group would make the better couple Luceil and Brian or Shaun and Brian but then Ava thought about Luceil and Shaun.

"Hey, Olli what about Luceil and Shaun?"

"Umm......I like it but I doubt it would ever happen just look at them"

"Hey now they could always be one of those 'enemies with benefits' relationships"

"Yeah but who would top?" Olli just asked the most important question ever

"Umm....... I feel like Luceil has experience unlike Shaun but I think Shaun would be too stubborn to become submissive.

"We should ask Sam and Brian later about it" ava said with a curious look on her face

"I don't think we should tell Brian since he would hate the idea of Luceil and Shaun fucking since he likes Shaun"

"Yeah your right"

Ava glanced at her brother and saw him looking at some pictures of so one that looked a lot like Jane......WAIT IT IS PICTURES JANE!!!!!!

"Olli look my brother is looking at pictures of Jane" Ava said with a smirk on her face now that she had something to use to blackmail her brother

"Wow that's creepy. Why doesn't he just ask Jane to be his girlfriend?"

"I think it is because he thinks that he isn't her type that and they are basically opposites too"

"That makes sense"

They finally reached the clearing wear they were going to camp.

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