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*Chapter 6*

*shaun's pov.*

"Brian is it okay if I come in?"

"......no *sob*....go away *sob*.....i don't want to *sob* take to you *sob* shaun......" Brian said in a soft whisper.

"dude, please I just want to know why your cry please" I say with desperation lacing my voice.

".........there isn't *sob* anything to talk about....."

"your terrible at lying for one and for as long as I have known you don't you think I would know when my best friend is in pain?" I cant not stand to hear him cry like this.

".......why don't you just *sob* go *sob* and *sob* talk to *sob* Luceil *sob*....." wait is this all about Luceil?

"wait what do you mean-"

"JUST LEAVE! *sob*.....cant you tell that I don't want to talk to you.....im sorry that was harsh...."

"no its fine man please just talk to me when your ready." I said. Maybe my thought on Brian liking Luceil too wasn't false.

*luceil's pov*

Shaun came walking back to the group looking disappointed and without Brian, so they really did have a fight.

"dude where is Brian, I swear Shaun if you hurt him ill hurt you even more than anything thst you have ever felt!" Olli said with posion dripping from her voice.

" I tried to get him to talk to me but he snapped at me and told me to leave while crying."

" can I try?" I asked. I know they aren't going to approve expressly Shaun.

".......i think you have done enough.......BECAUSE BEFORE YOU CAME BACK BRIAN WAS FINE!!!!!!!" and there he goes blowing up, ugh.

"Shaun clam down please or else ill take the matter into my own hands." Sam said which shocked me how obedient Shaun was to little Sam.

"ugh fine but I doubt youll do any better than me." Shaun said while rolling his eyes.

I got up and made my way to the tent that Brian was in. I can hear his sobs.

"Hey Brian..... its me can I talk to you?"

"no" he answered quickly

"please because if you don't Sam and I quote will take this into her own hands, which I don't want to find out what happens *haha*" I said trying to be serous but trying to lighten the mood.

"ugh fine but don't take this as I want to talk to you, its just im afraid of what Sam will do this time to Shaun." What has that girl done to scare everyone so much.

"thank you" I stepped into the tent when Brian unzipped it

"so what is the matter? Why did you suddenly act like this? Is it me?" I asked afraid to hurt him.

"um well you are part of the problem, im guessing Shaun didn't say anything about what happened but I ran off did he?"

"nope just kept snapping at people."

"haha that Shaun for you, he is scared because he thinks he is the reason why I ran off crying but its my own fault for getting my hopes up so high."

"you like him don't you?"


" well Sam had told me because I like you and then the way you just talked about him was quite affectionally."


"yeah but I wasn't supposed to tell you that" I said quietly.

"well its too late you already know. Im sorry I don't return your feelings but im in your place because Shaun is attracted to another."

"oh well im sorry to hear that. Do you know who he is attracted to?"

"indeed I do but I will not be like Sam and tell you." Brian said sternly

"oh, okay that's fine."

"ugh I hate love triangles" Brian whispered under his breath



"....so....Shaun likes.....me?" I whispered

"im afraid so" brian said with disappointment. "he hides it with hatred because he doesn't want to believe he likes you."

"oh.....okay......umm.....well everyone is waiting for us to return so we better go or else Sam will eat your burger."

"WAIT WE HAD HAMBUGERS AND NO ONE TOLD ME!!!! IF I KNEW THAT I WOULD HAD LEFT LONG AGO!!!" Brian up and ran out of the tent to the fire.

"haha.......wow.......Shaun likes......me......"


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