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-Penny's POV-

On the way back Harry and talked about what just happened. We both apologized to each other. I told him what had happened. I told him I ran away and found that home. He seem confused but only if he knew the real truth.

I can't tell him. I don't even know if I trust him. I think he's really nice and all,but I don't know him know him. If we keep talking then maybe I'll trust him.

Will ever i ever tell him what I am? I would like to say no. The truth is,I don't know. I want him to know. But that would either

1. Scare him

2. I'll get in trouble

3. Put him in danger

4. He'll think I'm crazy and never talk to me

I wish I knew the damn future.

I got out of Harry's car and once again apologized and we said our goodbyes.

I wonder when I'll see him again.

As I was walking in the fields,I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around to come face to face with Liam Payne.

"You are in so much trouble." He teased. Liam has light brown hair. Sort of in a buzz cut. Brown eyes and he's really responsible. He's wise as smart which he gets from his mother.

"Did anyone realize I was gone?" I asked worriedly.

"We'll your brother did. He freaked Penny. You are his one and only little sister." He lectured.

"I just left for a little. I'm back now." I let out a heavy sigh and started walking away. Liam jogged to catch up with me.

"So,you were out with a guy huh?" He smiled at me. I looked down,avoiding his gaze.

"Yeah so?"

"Penny has a crush." He sang. Liam has an incredible voice.

"Will you stop that?" I shoved him.

"From my perspective, you need to be careful. He's mortal. You can't sneak out again too. You'll be in trouble by Mr.D and then you'll have to wash everyone's dishes." Again with the lecture. I just nodded.

"I'm 18,plus I'll be leaving here later on. I need to live a normal life." I stop and face him. He gave me a sympathetic look.

He put his hands on my shoulders. "We all try to live normal lives. Some do and some don't make it. To be honest Penny,you'll be safer here." Looking in his eyes, I knew what he said was true.

I just didn't want to believe it.

"Where were you?!" Perrie exclaimed while throwing her hands in the air. When I got to my cabin,my bro gae me a lecture. I then went to the stables and found Niall,Perrie, and Eleanor here. They all were mad at me for 'sneaking off'.

"I went out?"

"With who?" Niall gave me a glare.

"What's the big deal anyways!" I groaned.

"The deal is that we were worried sick about you! We thought a monster came and ate you!" Eleanor slightly raised her voice.

"In sorry okay." I put all the persuasion in my voice. I hate using it but I don't want them to be angry with me.

All their expressions softened. The all gave me tight warming hugs. Perrie then squealed. "Guess what Penny!" She jumped up and down.

"What?" I giggled.

"Zayn has a crush on me!!" She squealed even happier.

Zayn Malik. One of the most beautiful guys here. And trust me,he knows it too. He always seemed full of himself. Which him and all his siblings do.

They are though. They all are very beautiful. Anywho, Zayn is shy but once you get to know him,he's actually a cool coincided person.

"That's great!" I smile for her. "How do you know?"

"Because e told me. He said we should hang out more." She looked so cute saying that. Her hands were folded together and she leaned a little. A big smile plastered on her face.

"I need to talk to this Zayn guy." Niall narrowed his eyes.

"We've all met him before." Eleanor looks questionably at him.

He sighed and looked down. "I know. Just trying to be a big brother to my favorite sister."

All of us awed and Perrie gave him a big hug.

After that. We all split to do our activities. I didn't want to do anything and I was already in trouble,so I just went to my cabin and laid on my bed.

I got bored just laying there so I went to go find someone to talk to.

Fortunately it wasn't too hard since I saw someone I can talk to.

"Zayn!!" I yelled.

He looked all around before he spotted me. He waves and I gestured for him to come over. He came walking my way with a smile on his face.

"Hey Penny." He chirped.

"Hi." I said awkwardly. "Um. So... I heard about your thing for Perrie."

He blushed and looked down. "Yah did? It's true though. I do like her. I actually always have but was too afraid she wouldn't like me." He admitted.

I was a little baffled. Zayn was afraid Perrie didn't like him. That's soo cute. I remember when the first met, Perrie had a crush on him in an instant. But over the time, she though he wasn't interested so she have up.

Only now,I find out that he actually has liked her. "That's so cute! Why would you think that?"

"Perrie is beautiful! And I didn't know if she did like me. I thought she would be interested in someone who wasn't related to Drew. You know how they don't like each other." He confessed.

"Everyone doesn't like Drew! She a total okuya. Kay?" I reassure him.

He smiled and nodded.

We talked for a while after that. He told me how he was going to ask Perrie out and this and that.



I woke up due to a banging on the door. I groaned and rolled over. Hoping it will stop.

When it didn't,I got up and saw the my brothers were sleeping. I rubbed my eyes and went towards the doors.

I opened it to see Miranda. Her hair was a rats nest and she had bags under her eyes. She yawned and stretched.

"Your wanted at the stables." She yawned again and walked away.

I knit my brows but just yawned. I went back inside and got dressed into a regular blue shirt with a purple sweater and dark washed jeans, and my purple vans.

I brushed my hair and teeth and then left to the stables.

I get there and there stood Rachel. Her red hair in a bun and she was also tired. She was petting a horse and when she saw me,her smile faded.

"We've got a problem." She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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