3)My Brother

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-Harry's POV-

I thought about what happened yesterday. That man-winged thing. I know that wasn't the first time I saw something like that. My whole life I've seen some weird things. I've seen oversized dogs,a guy at a coffee shop with six arms and more. I tried telling someone of what I can see,they all thought I was nuts. Since then I've tried ignoring all the things I've seen.

When Penny asked if I could see the man yesterday,I was going to say no but she saw it too. I know I'm not the only one now. She saw it. Although she was running from it,I don't know why. That thing was following her.

Today,I'm going to talk to her about it. I don't want to feel like I'm the only one that can see things. So I'm here at the Strawberry Fields. I parked at a point where no one can hear me but not too far either.

I walked up the hill and into the trees. I heard a twig snap from behind me. I looked around and saw hair flow behind a tree. I approached the tree and before I saw who it was,I got hit from behind me on my back.

I fell to the ground groaning. I heard a gasp and was rolled on my back. I saw Penny with a worried expression on her face. "I'm so sorry, I thought you were something else. I-are you okay?" I thought you were something else. She helped me sit up. I nodded my head that I was okay.

"What are you doing here Harry?" She sighed. She got on her knees next to me.

"I came to talk to you about yesterday. The thing we saw. It was something. You just lied." I looked into her brown beautiful orbs.

Penny was really beautiful. Seriously beautiful. She wore that orange t-shirt again. She manganese to pull it off though. She doesn't wear make up too. She has that natural beauty.

She but her lip and shook her head. "No Harry,it was nothing."

"Penny." I snapped. I was getting irritated. She can't keep lying to me about this."Look,I know what I saw. You saw it too. Penny,I've seen weirder things than that. Nobody else did though. They thought I was crazy and for the longest time I did too. Until yesterday,when you saw it. You can see things like me." I got up and she did too.

She looked sad. She looked at me with pity. "Harry,I can't explain things. It's for your own good. But we can see things. We can't tell anyone though. Also, that thing was a F-" she stopped herself. "Don't talk to one of those things you see.They are dangerous." She explained.

"Are you used to it?" She gave me a puzzled look. "That man was chasing you. Or following you. How come?"

She didn't meet my eyes. But slowly she nodded. "I'll explain later. Kay?"

I nodded. I'm glad she'll tell me more about her. I'm glad I came. I like being around with Penny. A smile starting forming on my face at my thought. "Wanna go somewhere?"

She chuckles but shakes her head no. She looked back into the forest and then at me. "In not allowed to go. I need permission to."

"I'm sure you can go,you're old enough to make your own decisions." I tried to persuade her.

A smile started forming on her face,one that showed her teeth. I grabbed her arm and we both went to the front of the fields.

-Penny's POV-

We got to Manhattan three hours later. And can I jut say,with ADHD,sitting in a car for three hours is torture. I couldn't stop fiddling with things. Harry questioned about that,I told him the truth though. Not like he'll suspect anything.

When we were driving in the city,I put the window down and rested my head on it. I love coming into Manhattan. I like seeing the city. I rarely leave home,but it's for my own safety.

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