part 6

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Manik led nandini to another classroom to avoid the interruption that may arise when all the gang members arrived. He thought it was high time that he had left her hanging on absolutely nothing and blurting the truth out seemed the best option for him now.
Man- uhmm nandini i know you love me and we have been in this relationship for 7 years now but I, I ,I dont know how to tell you this but I think I .....
Nan- (scoffs a laugh) you like alya?
And looks at manik. Manik stammers and tries to say something but no words are coming out of his mouth looking at nandini's eyes which are reflecting immense pain
Nan- answer me manik you like alya dont you? And thats the reason you want to call this relationship off?
Man- nandini actually I dont know how but..
Nandini- just say yes or no manik. If u truly like alya there should be no problem in accepting the truth
Man- yes.I know I'm a dick nandini and m really sorry for this but I dont want to hurt u further by keeping you in this relationship
Nan- thanks manik were the only words that could come out of that broken soul
Man- (confused) for?
Nan- the truth. Rejection is a part of life but honesty is a choice, you could have kept me under the covers but u chose to tell me the truth so thank you for that, yes I am hurt,shattered that you are so near yet so distant from me hurt that i havr to let you go now, after 7 years of memories  but u know what manik? I love you enough to let you go.  from the day I proposed you, to today when we breakup, from our first kiss to our first time, always; i had always known you didnt feel the same way as I did for you, but I told my self a lie that you cant express your feelings about love as well as you can express your friendship, hoping this lie would some day come true. I thought my love for you was enough for both of us to last a lifetime. But I was wrong wasn't I?!you know the day I saw alya for the first time I knew she was bad news. I saw the way you looked at her was completely different from the way you looked at anyone else. I thought i had prepared myself enough for this day but did I? Here I am today Standing all alone just as shattered I should have been.(wiping her tears)but leave it manik you have the right to live your own life, and I want snatch that right from you, u know why? Because that would be snatching the right to live from my life, and your happiness is my happiness, your smile is my peace, your peace is my treasure, (trying hard to smile)i thought i had prepared myself enough in these two months to face this day but honestly it hurts just as much as it should . but the final words must be said,so today manik once my boyfriend malhotra I free you from this relation, and I hope that you always stay happy.h saying the last line was like the most difficult thing for nandini when tears that always flowed behind the doors of her room today betrayed her and came out in the open.
On the other hand manik had a weird emotion in him that was really upset listening to the fact that she was going to let him go. He didnt know y he didnt want her to go away from him and always remain his forever just like the previous time
As rough and tough he may appear but the tears that were flowing from his eyes said a different story.
Maybe the story of his heart which was still unheard by his own ears.
Man- (almost in tears by now listening to her confession, goes to her and embraces her in a tight hug, afterall she still was his peace right?)
The hug may have lasted for exactly 3 minutes and 56 seconds, but those 136 seconds were what both of them desperately needed. Those 136 seconds were the ones in which 2 friends who turned lovers again go back to becoming friends like before, those 136 seconds were needed for the girl who had just lost the love of her life, no scratch that who had lost her life, those 136 seconds were needed for a boy who was engulfed with the guilt of breaking an angel's heart. Those 136 seconds marked the end of a beautiful fairytale which the world had witnessed for the past 7years.
Nandini's POV
When manik told me we have had to talk, I already guessed what it would be about, i had seen it in his eyes, I knew them, I knew what they wanted and sadly this time it wasn't me. First of all I was angry, angry how could he just end it all in one sorry, how could he do this to me. But then I realized all this time he never gave me a false hope of a happily ever after did he? Did he ever say he loved me? No. It was always you stupid nandini and your mind overflowing with fairytales which was expecting one to happen with your heart. I knew it from the start this would happen someday but this feeling was submerged in the darkest corner of my heart, this feeling was the one I wish I never felt. This is love isnt it? Letting go, letting the other person live, with manik I always knew it would end but i always wished it ended a little after forever. But here I am today, standing in a dull classroom, with a broken soul, a numb body and a shattered heart. I guess this is where my forever ends,this is where Cinderella looks at the clock striking 12 ready to go back to her reality after a wonderful fairytale.

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