•Chapter 29•

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They led me down the halls and into a therapy room. It was a big enough room with white walls and a stone floor to mach the rest of the asylum. It also had one window high up on the wall and two couches in the middle of the room with a small coffee table separating them.

"Why are we here?" I ask nervously. "We have to go see if the boss is busy, then you can meet him" the yellow haired man says. "Adam!" Someone yelled from the room next door. The red haired man groaned. "I'll be back in a minute" he says, then stomps out and into the next room.

I sit down on one of the couches, since I'm not going anywhere.

"Sooo... how's life?" I say, trying to make up a conversation.

The yellow haired man grunts in response.

I roll my eyes.

A few minutes the red haired man comes stomping back in. "First, your going to have to talk to.." he pauses and rolls his eyes. "The queen". I Almost let out a laugh. "And who's the queen?" I ask. "you'll see" he sighs and sits down on the couch opposite me.

Giggling can be heard, along with the sound of heels clicking off the ground.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat. How long does it take someone to walk literally into the room next door.

The giggling continued and stopped right outside the door.

The two men left, leaving just me in the room.

I hear the door open and close again. "So you wanna meet my pudd-" she stops. I turn around. "Harley?!" I say in disbelief.

I feel so fucking stupid. Of course she would work in Arkham!

"Katie?" She walks slowly over.

I smile a nod.

She runs over and engulfs me in a hug. "I missed you so so so so much!" She says into my chest.

Even though she was in heels, I was still taller than her.

"I missed you too" I smile. "How?" She asks, letting go. "It's a long story" I laugh. "Good thing we got loads of time then" she smiles and drags me over to the couches and sits me down, then she sits opposites me. "Go on".

It took a while, but I think Harley gets the whole being brought back to life by a cult who worships me.

"Wow". I laugh. "Just a normal day in my life Y'know". She giggles.

"So....queen" I grin. She takes a bow. "Yep".

"You can bring her in now" the yellow haired man come in. She nods. "Thanks Eric". She takes my hand and leads me outside.

"Are you sure you wanna meet him he's a bit...insane". "Harley, are you forgetting who I had to deal with". She smiled.

She opens the door.

I looked around. It was dark, nothing like the other room. The walls were spray painted with "ha ha ha". Paper and spray paint was scattered around the floor.

And parallel to the door was a man. Sitting on a throne. He had no shirt on. All over his stomach and arms was tattooed. Out of all the tattoos he had the one the really caught my attention was the word "Joker" written across his stomach.

"Welcome" he smiles widely showing his metal teeth. I smile. "Harley" he grins. "Puddin" she giggles. "Come sit with daddy". She smiles and struts up and sits on his lap.

"Nice uh...room" I say awkwardly.

"Woah you are so nice-isn't she so nice Harley?"

"The nicest".

"Thank you?" I say awkwardly.

"Are ya hungry?" He asks. "Kinda" I say. "Evan! Get" he pauses. "what's your name".


"Evan get katie some food!".

"Thank you" I smile.

y'know Katie not many people want to come see me, I think they're all afraid of me" he frowns but quickly puts a smile back on his face.He laughs psychotically. It reminded me of Jerome...

I frown. "Is something wrong doll?" He asks. "No, you just remind me of someone is all" I half smile. Harley looks and me and frowns. The man gets up off the throne and walks over to me.

"Woah!" He shouts causing me to jump. "We're twins!" he motions to my hair then to his bright green hair. "yeah, I guess we are" I smile.

He narrows his eyes. "Katie I like you, and I don't say this to many people- wait scratch that I don't say that at allllllll" he pulls the l.

I look back a Harley. She shrugs. "We're leaving here soon, you should come with us, have fuuuun" he laughs his laugh again.

I shrug. "I don't know", "C'mon Katie, it'll be just like old times!" Harley says. "Okay" I grin. Harley claps.

"Whats your name?" I say looking at the man

"Me? well i'm the Joker, but because I like you oh so much you can call me J" He grins.

"Nice to meet you J"

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