My playboy, vampire billionaire bad boy honor student boyfriend is a cheater!?

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"I'm getting too old for this goddamn bullshit..."

For the first time in my life, I found myself alone. The darkness swirled around my form tendrils of inkling bleak reminders of her solitude. The silence echoing in my ears was the constant white noise that never shut up. my head swam in the fire burning inside, the only smoldering embers of a time where there had been other presences with me, around me, in me. But now, the void had been slowly filled with a cold, howling storm of fear that refused to ever let up. I I was completely and utterly alone in my mind, body, soul, and most of all, entirely alone in the world.

The halls were crowded with people, and the chaos was so perfect, like a movie. There was the couple that was always making out on the left side of the hall, and about ten feet farther down, the cliquey girls. Opposite them, the cliquey jocks, and between them, the parade of band geeks with their huge instrument cases. There were the aerospace tech kids who never did anything but make paper airplanes and the fashion kids that wheeled mannequins and clothing racks down the halls. And then there was me, not that I fit into any of those groups.

I mean...i hang out with my insanely gorgeous friends who are there for me no matter what, but you know, they don't really count.

"Maybe I could go see Jesse and ask him about this vampire thing... it's probably not true tho.." I thought to myself as I walked down the hall unaware of the imminent doom that was coming my way.

then all of a sudden time freezes, people stop on the spot and everything is silent until....

"Augh!! god, fucking dammit Jessica! you just had to fuck everything up we were supposed to meet the main character after school not stop fucking time!! an angry rage-filled voice echoed from down the hallway.

"aw geez...annora where are we?" said a different and high pitched voice.

then there was an exasperated sigh."hey, hey, jessica, remember 5 seconds ago when i said we were going to teleport to this highschool? and that I didnt say: oh my god what a perplexing mystery, I dont think-"

"yeah, okay i get it..."

I walked in the direction of the voices through the crowded hallways only to find a tall girl with long pink hair arguing with a smaller blonde haired girl dressed in pastel pink who resembled a stick of cotton candy.

"I want to punch her in the face," I thought as I walked over to the pair.

"Um... excuse me, would you two mind telling me what's going on...?" I stared at them.

the petite blonde unicorn girl turned and smiled as brighter than the fucking sun." Ah ha! we finally found you best friend #2! see? I told you this was a good idea Annora!" the blonde squealed excitedly as the pink haired one sighed in exasperation.

"every time you open your mouth Jessica, I have to resist the intense urge to strangle you with the nearest object."  said the pink haired one who I think is Annora, but what do I know? I'm just a perfectly normal average plain jane high school student who has boys fight over me all the time... 

Jessica bounced up to me smiling looking just like a marshmallow bunny and examined me. "so, you probably have no idea what is going on do you?"

"Yeah, no shit marshmallow girl." I spat out.

so she twirled around in her pink skirt and smiled again like an idiot. "well then... allow me to elaborate...THROUGH INTERPRETIVE DANC-ouch!!" her sentence was stopped partway after Annora hit her in the face with her backpack.

"cut the shit and explain to her already Jessica!" yelled a frustrated Annora.

"Okay okay..." said Jessica rubbing her blonde head. "so you might've been noticing some strange things happening around you like hot guys taking a sudden interest in a girl like YOU or creatures of the supernatural appearing left and right..."

"YES! that's exactly what was happening its like something out of  a teen fiction romance novel that some bored twelve years old who doesn't know anything about love wrote!!!" I yelled.

"Bingo Bongo, congrats. you figured it out" said Annora slow clapping sarcastically.

" see best friend #2, you are the protagonist of this story but you weren't supposed to be the protagonist actually it was that really shy girl that was looking at your butt." she said nonchalantly.

"protagonist...? I'm... what?! and my name is Skylar you dumb fuck!" I said crossing my arms.

"Yeah, yeah... okay okay," she continued on. " and I want to tell you, some things that are bound to happen anytime now..for one, your boyfriend will break up with you even though you had a one sided relationship based entirely on delusions to make room for the new love interest...and the queen bee Tiffany will ruin your life because she wants your man!"

"W-what? b-b-but m-me and Jesse had the perfect relationship for 2 years..."I whimpered as two tears cascaded down my cheeks as my heart was thrown off a cliff into the spiky rocks of despair and heartbreak and the ocean's waves of sorrow scattering its mangled pieces to the ends of the earth...or ya know something emo.

then out of nowhere Annora ran up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders and yelled. "you must never give the cliche DO YOU HEAR ME SKYLAN!!!!??" and proceeded to violently shake my shoulders to emphasize the point.

"M-y n-a-me i-s SKY-L-AR!!" I yelled back.

"Oh flip flapping flipper flap! Annora! times gonna unfreeze soon!" yelled Jessica in distress.

then all of a sudden everything was moving again and life returned to normal, except when I looked at my locker only to see....

"My hot playboy vampire bad boy who has a good heart honor student billionaire boyfriend Jesse who I am so faithful to is making out with the head cheerleader blonde popular queen of the school who everyone follows even though she's a bitch!!??" I yelled in surprise.

"well la dee da."



dedicated to Gracethecat35

nico nico nii!

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