Red X Reader

360 9 0

Anyone plays Minecraft? Like the PC version, if you do, pm me :D

Just a Reminder:
Y/N ~ Your Name
E/C ~ Eye colour

Normal ~ Y/N
Bold ~ Red
Italics ~ Extras

Credits ~ ATTENTION - Charlie Puth - Madilyn Bailey, Mario Jose, KHS COVER 

Title ~ Starring

Y/N was writing in her diary when the bell rang and she smiled silently to herself. It was almost the end of the day and it was by far her favourite class.

However, her favourite class wasn't because of the subject or the teacher. It was because of the charming yet cheeky boy that always happens to catch her eye.

For the last few weeks, whenever she looked at him, the redish brown haired guy would lock eyes with her at least once every lesson.

Once she had counted up to 21 times in a single period. She has never spoken to him although she knew that she was secretly falling for him.

Since first year, ever since she set eyes on this guy, she would watch him from afar and secretly giggle whenever during Chemistry class, his mixture would sometimes explode with pink goo or when his apparatus broke. Finally, now it seemed like the boy of her interest had finally known of her existence despite of all the Fangirls.

She pursed her lips as she entered into the classroom and greeted Alesa with a smile as they both took their seats. Most people were already present in the room, some were chatting and laughing with their friends while others were gossiping on this week's gossip news. Y/N and Alesa talked for a bit while taking out their pencil case and their notebook.

The Hazel (Or brown... Idk?) eyes met the E/C ones from across the room. As expected, he looked at Y/N for a few more seconds until he dropped his gaze as his friend, Adam, nudged him and whispers something into his ear making the tips of his ears red as he whacked Adam.

During this class period, he broke his own record. Every time Y/N glanced over towards him, which was often, she found him staring at her. Every time she caught him staring, he will hold the eye contact for a few moments more than before and then break it again by looking at his notebook, scribbling down some notes.

Y/N jumped when the bell rang. She quickly packed/shoved everything into her bag and followed Alesa out of the class, leaving Michael to stare at her which Adam had to snap him out off to make him pack his things.

For the rest of the evening, Y/N kept going into a dazed trance, she had become romantically frustrated. She had liked this guy for many years and now he seemed to have her in his sights. Then again, maybe he was staring at Alesa, Y/N groaned and fell back onto her bed, she decided it was time to find out the truth once and for all.

The same thing happened in Y/N's last period as it did the day before. The teacher asked the class to take out their assignments and hand them in table by table. Y/N took that opportunity and tore a piece of paper from her notebook, she scrawled her message on it and folded it multiple times.

She watched as Michael stands up and walks to the front. Y/N slipped out of her seat swiftly and walked to the front hurriedly opening his journal and placing the note inside, closing it again, she quickened her pace and sat down back next to Alesa.

Y/N grabbed her assignment and dropped it swiftly on the teachers table as Alesa does the same. On her way back, she locked eyes with Michael once again, they held the gaze for a while until Y/N breaks it for the first time as she sat down.

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